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发布时间:2018-03-16 09:03

  本文选题:低碳经济 切入点:建筑 出处:《郑州大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着城市化发展的不断加速,越来越多的环境污染问题开始成为人们热议的焦点,传统的房地产建筑模式带来的问题日益突出,砖混结构造成的污染和人们对环境的要求形成了典型的对立面,成为各级政府和广大民众亟待解决的一个矛盾点。 如何解决这一矛盾,房地产行业低碳经济的提出和发展则成为一种必然。在此形势之下,房地产行业的低碳经济将如何发展呢? 河南XX置业有限公司联合远大可建科技有限公司为们完美解答了这一建筑领域的难题。众所周知,罗马古城不是一天建起来的,冰冻三尺亦非一日之寒,但是位于上海世博会西片区的远大馆的建造的确只用了一天时间,这一事件的发生顿时震惊了世人。2010年3月6日的这一天,当人们正在为这项建筑奇迹而震惊时,远大人已经开始迈向他们的下一个建筑奇迹。于是2010年6月远大可建只用了7天的时间就建成了新方舟宾馆,5个月之后远大人又将T30落成,综合用时仅有15天。T30的落成彻底颠覆了世人对建筑的传统思想观念,这一举动一时间影响了整个世界。 这两年以来,远大可建一直以拯救地球为宗旨,持续坚持走可持续发展建筑道路。节能减排,9度抗震,5倍节能,20倍净化等一系列环保节能技术日趋完善,远大对客户,科技,世界乃至整个地球均做出了卓越的贡献。在COP16会议上,墨西哥总统科尔的隆也给予了远大可持续建筑很高的评价:如果我们能找到一种建筑方法不适用空调会怎么样呢?这正是这一热能技术的巨大势,也是中国远大集团目前正在带给墨西哥人民的先进技术……感谢远大集团,采用创新的技术建造了如此绝妙的建筑(详见附件)。我们相信未来的时间和空间里,通过远大可建和加盟者的不懈努力一定会给全人类带来一个崭新的生存环境。 这一切都预示着,人类正迈向一个建筑改革的发展时代。 本文所设计的XX地产加盟项目可行性研究报告正是河南XX置业有限公司运用加盟合作的方式,采用远大可建技术,利用河南省安阳市AG集团的资源优势,在河南省内安阳市殷都区建设一个高效率、低耗能、低污染、方便快捷的新型钢结构建筑的具体规划及可行性建设方案。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of urbanization, more and more environmental pollution problems have become the focus of heated discussion, and the traditional real estate construction model has brought more and more serious problems. The pollution caused by brick-concrete structure and the environmental requirements of people form the typical opposites, and become a contradiction point to be solved urgently by all levels of government and the general public. How to solve this contradiction, the real estate industry low carbon economy put forward and the development become a kind of inevitable. Under this situation, how will the real estate industry low carbon economy develop? Henan XX Real Estate Co., Ltd. United Broad can build Technology Co., Ltd. to solve the problem in this field of construction. As we all know, the ancient city of Rome was not built in one day, nor was it the cold of 1st. But the construction of the Great Pavilion in the western part of the Shanghai World Expo took only one day, and the event shocked the world. On March 6th 2010, when people were shocked by the miracle of the building, The Great Man was already on his way to their next architectural miracle. In June 2010, Broad could build the new Ark Hotel in just seven days, and five months later the Great Man would complete the T30. The completion of the combined period of only 15 days. T30 completely upended the world's traditional ideas of architecture, a move that affected the whole world for a time. In the past two years, Broad Building has been aiming at saving the earth, and has consistently adhered to the road of sustainable development and construction. Energy saving and emission reduction, 9 degrees seismic resistance, 5 times energy saving, 20 times purification, and a series of environmental protection and energy saving technologies are becoming more and more perfect, great for customers, science and technology, etc. The world and the planet as a whole have made remarkable contributions. At the COP16 meeting, Mexican President Cortiron also spoke highly of sustainable architecture: what if we could find a way to build without air conditioning? This is the huge potential of this thermal technology, and it is the advanced technology that China Broad Group is bringing to the Mexican people. Thank you, Broad Group. Using innovative technology to build such a wonderful building (see annex for details.) We believe that in the future time and space, through the unremitting efforts of Broad Kickers, we will bring a new living environment for all mankind. All this indicates that mankind is entering an era of architectural reform. The feasibility study report of XX real estate joining project designed in this paper is exactly the way of alliance cooperation, adopting the broad construction technology and utilizing the resource advantage of Anyang AG Group of Henan Province, Henan XX Real Estate Co., Ltd. A new type of steel structure building with high efficiency, low energy consumption, low pollution and convenience is built in Yindu District, Anyang City, Henan Province.


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