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发布时间:2018-03-16 13:28

  本文选题:房地产 切入点:品牌 出处:《西北大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:房地产行业近年来持续快速的发展,使其逐渐成为了我国经济发展的重要支柱产业,随着房地产行业的消费者越来越理性化,品牌就随之成为了消费者在选择产品过程中的重要因素之一,由此房地产的品牌竞争愈演愈烈。成功的品牌建设不仅能使房地产企业从中获利更多,而且能把企业的品牌有效的树立起来,最终成为赢得消费者和社会公众的认同的优质品牌,使企业赢得核心竞争力。本文运用调查研究法、理论归结法、文献检索法以及SWOT分析法,结合内外环境因素,针对H公司品牌管理的现状所存在的问题进行分析并提出相应的对策建议,同时制定了实施品牌发展策略的保障措施。本文通过大量文献相关理论的归纳和总结,以及对具体环节的深度研究,使得笔者在品牌建设及管理方面有了更深入的了解,并在其品牌定位、品牌塑造、品牌传播、品牌文化、品牌价值等方面进一步论证了关于品牌对企业自身发展的深远影响。 本文以研究H房地产公司品牌发展策略为目标,研究的主要内容为:一是界定了品牌的概念,并阐述了房地产品牌的构成要素,同时界定品牌策略的概念及构成要素,具体包括品牌决策、品牌模式的选择、品牌识别与认知度、品牌延伸、品牌管理及品牌愿景等六大部分。通过运用品牌培育相关理论,即品牌竞争力理论与核心竞争力理论作为品牌策略研究的理论指导。二是分析H房地产公司品牌发展的现状,分别介绍了H房地产公司的基本情况、品牌发展历程及品牌管理现状,分析出H公司品牌发展现状所存在的问题,即品牌需要二次定位、品牌传播模式单一、品牌延伸方式有待调整及品牌管理与危机事件处理能力薄弱等问题,然后针对所述问题的成因进行由内而外的分析。三是对H房地产公司品牌发展内外部环境进行分析。外部环境分析从宏观经济方面、行业新进入者的威险、供应商的议价能力、购买商的议价能力、代替产品的威险及同行业竞争者的竞争强度等方面入手;内部环境分析了公司组织结构、战略目标、产品定位、管理能力及主要经济指标,同时还分析了公司面临优劣势及机遇挑战。四是提出H房地产公司品牌发展策略的优化。首先,提出H公司品牌发策略的制定原则与品牌发展目标及思路,其次结合公司现状对H房地产公司品牌发展对策优化,主要从品牌定位策略、品牌模式的选择、品牌的传播策略、品牌的延伸策略与品牌的维护管理策略等方面建议研究,最后通过注重品牌理念培育、规范品牌管理流程、大力提升品牌价值、加强品牌形象塑造、创新品牌文化建设制等几个方面提出了对品牌发展策略实施的保障措施,希望对H公司的品牌发展起到有效帮助。本文结论部分针对研究的成果进行了总结并对未来的H房地产公司品牌战略进行了展望。 通过上述研究,力求为H房地产公司的品牌发展规划及实施提供合理的有效的方法和建议,同时,也希望能够给发展中也正在面临品牌发展滞后的房地产企业提供参考与借鉴。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the sustained and rapid development of the real estate industry, it has become an important pillar industry of China's economic development, as consumers increasingly rational in the real estate industry, the brand has become one of the important factors of consumers in the selection process of the product, the real estate brand competition. Brand building is not only a success real estate companies can make more profit from, and the enterprise can effectively set up the brand, eventually win the consumers and the public recognition of the high quality brand, to enable enterprises to win core competence. This paper use survey research method, theory method, literature retrieval method and SWOT analysis method, combined with the analysis of the internal and external environmental factors. Based on the existing situation of brand management problems of the H company and put forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions, and formulated the safeguard measures of the implementation of brand development strategy. Through a lot of literature and summarized, and the depth of research on specific aspects, the author makes a deeper understanding in the brand construction and management, and in its brand positioning, brand building, brand communication, brand culture, brand value and further demonstrates the profound influence on brand of enterprise development.
Based on the research of H Real Estate Company brand development strategy, the main research contents are as follows: one is to define the brand concept, and expounds the key elements of real estate brand, and define the concept of brand strategy and elements, including brand strategy, brand mode selection, brand identity and brand awareness, brand extension. Brand management and brand vision of six parts. Through the use of brand theory, brand competitiveness theory and core competitiveness theory as a theoretical guidance for brand strategy research. The two is the analysis of the current situation of H Real Estate Company brand development, introduces the basic condition of H Real Estate Company, brand development history and the current situation of brand management, reveals the existence of H the company's brand development problems, namely the brand needs two single brand positioning, communication mode, brand extension and brand management methods need to be adjusted Management and crisis management capability is weak, then the causes for the problems were analyzed from the inside out. Three of the internal and external environment for the development of Real Estate Company brand H were analyzed. The analysis of the external environment from the macro economy, new entrants threat, the bargaining power of suppliers, buyers bargaining power instead of product risk and competitors in the same industry competition strength of; analysis of the internal environment of the company's organizational structure, strategic target, product positioning, management ability and the main economic indicators, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the company are facing opportunities and challenges. The four is put forward to optimize the H Real Estate Company brand development strategy. First, put forward H company brand strategy principle and brand development goals and ideas, then combined with the current situation of H Real Estate Company brand development strategy optimization, mainly from the brand positioning strategy Slightly, brand model, brand communication strategy and brand extension strategy, brand maintenance and management strategy and suggestions on, finally focus on the concept of brand cultivation, standardized brand management process, enhance brand value, enhance brand image, and put forward the guarantee measures for the implementation of the brand development strategy of the innovation system in the construction of brand culture several aspects, I hope to H company's brand development to help. The conclusion according to the research results are summarized and the future of the H Real Estate Company brand strategy are discussed.
Through the above research, we strive to provide reasonable and effective methods and suggestions for H Real Estate Company's brand development planning and implementation. At the same time, it also hopes to provide reference for developing real estate companies that are also facing brand lagging behind.



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