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发布时间:2018-03-16 17:29

  本文选题:竞争战略 切入点:市场环境 出处:《山东理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:At present, the real estate industry has become a pillar industry in the national economy of our country. The adjustment of China's industrial structure and the development of the national economy have made a great contribution. Since 2013, with the rise of loan interest rates and the substantial increase in house prices, the pressure on residents to buy houses has increased, and the overall transaction volume of the property market has shrunk substantially. The development of the real estate industry in our country is severely restricted, and the competition among enterprises is also intensified. Facing the current fierce competition in the real estate industry, Whether real estate enterprises can sum up their own advantages and disadvantages in order to avoid commercial risks and gain competitive advantages is one of the main problems that real estate enterprises urgently need to solve. As a new real estate developer in Zibo, ZBBGY premises. Industry Development Co., Ltd. is facing fierce competition in the industry, In addition to China Resources, China Shipping, Evergrande and other large real estate developers, Zibo local well-known real estate enterprises participated in the partition of most of the market share. In order to enhance the competitiveness of ZBBGY Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., this paper separately manages the competitive strategy. The core competitiveness of enterprises and the strategic management of real estate enterprises and other domestic and foreign literature elaborated the relevant basic theory, on the basis of the theory, combined with the real estate market in Zibo City, the macro environment for the enterprises, The key competition factors such as the overall structure of the industry and the competitors are analyzed and discussed one by one. The competitive position of the enterprises is scientifically analyzed and evaluated, and a regional and targeted competitive strategy is worked out. At the same time, based on the company's competitive strategic objectives, By establishing SWOT matrix and other analysis methods, the competitive strategy of ZBBGY development in Zibo region is drawn up and selected in order to create an optimal enterprise pattern. This gives ZBBGY Real Estate Development Co., Ltd a strategic advantage in Zibo market. And defeating competitors is of great significance.


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