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发布时间:2018-03-16 20:07

  本文选题:FH住宅项目 切入点:施工质量 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:改革开放以来,房地产行业一直是国民经济有效运行的支柱产业之一,与百姓的生活息息相关。房屋质量是优质居住环境的前提,然而在我国,惊人的投资和建设速度早已将质量控制水平的提升速度远远地甩在后面。再加上快速膨胀发展的房企急于追求规模的不断扩大,对工程质量严重忽视,导致质量问题日渐凸显。为了可持续发展,各大中小房地产企业也都十分努力地在改善这一问题,尤其是三、四线城市的主力军——中小房地产企业对这一改善的需求更是迫在眉睫。然而,我国专门针对中小房地产企业的施工质量控制的研究不多,而且即使有一小部分,也只是停留在最基础的施工技术,或者最宏观的管理方法的概述上,没有进行全面的深入研究和形成体系,这一方面的研究应该受到重视。本文以四线城市的FH房地产公司正在建设的FH住宅项目为研究对象,为了帮助其应对残酷的市场竞争,不断提高企业的综合实力,保持在市场竞争中的优势地位,针对FH住宅项目施工质量现状及存在的问题,将PDCA循环理论应用到项目的质量控制和管理当中,并在施工阶段加以应用,为其构建起一套适用的住宅项目施工质量控制体系,结合在FH住宅项目施工现场的实地调研,通过详细分析,从人、机、物、法、环五个方面,通过每个阶段的两轮循环推动整个施工阶段的大循环,提升了项目质量,取得了较显著的效果。论文主要研究了以下内容:首先通过理论知识的学习和相关资料的查询,确定使用PDCA循环理论对项目施工过程进行质量控制。其次对FH住宅项目施工质量的现状和存在的问题进行了分析,提出了 FH住宅项目实施施工质量控制的必要性。然后针对FH住宅项目施工质量现状和存在的问题,结合PDCA循环理论,设计出一套适用质量控制体系,对项目的基础工程、主体工程、装饰工程进行PDCA循环,每循环一次质量就上升一个台阶,最终帮助FH房地产公司提升了质量控制水平,增强了核心竞争力。论文的主要研究结论有三:(1)PDCA循环理论对住宅项目的施工质量控制具有有效性和科学性。本文探索将PDCA循环方法应用于FH住宅项目施工质量控制过程,通过一轮又一轮的循环,提升了项目质量,提高了施工水平,加强了团队建设,增强了机构和人员的责任意识与担当意识,同时监控了整个施工过程的质量问题。(2)住宅项目施工阶段质量控制要做到"大环套小环,小环保大环。"整个施工过程的质量控制是一个大循环,三个步骤又都有自己的小循环,而这三个小循环不断滚动的目的也是推动整个施工过程质量控制的大循环,最终杜绝一切不规范、不安全的因素发生,防患于未然,保证和提高工程质量。(3)中小房地产企业可建立基于PDCA循环的住宅项目施工质量控制体系来提高施工质量水平。当然,本文只研究了住宅项目最关键的施工过程的质量控制,未来将在前期设计、后期维护等方面的质量控制进行持续关注,做进一步的完善和研究。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, the real estate industry is the pillar industry of the effective operation of the national economy, and people's life. The quality of housing is the premise of high-quality living environment, but in our country, the investment and construction speed has amazing speed will enhance the quality control level is far behind. Coupled with the rapid expansion of development the housing enterprises eager to pursue the continuous expansion of the scale, serious neglect of the quality of the project, resulting in quality problems have become increasingly prominent. In order to sustainable development, the small and medium-sized real estate enterprises are very hard to solve this problem, especially the three, the four line of the city's main army of small and medium-sized real estate enterprises demand for this improvement more is imminent. However, China's special research on construction quality control for small and medium-sized real estate enterprises are not many, and even if there is a small part of the construction is only on the basis of the Overview of technology, or the macro management methods, no in-depth study and form a comprehensive system of research, on the one hand, should be paid more attention. In this paper, the four line of the city's FH Real Estate Company is the construction of the FH housing project as the research object, in order to help them cope with fierce market competition, and constantly improve the comprehensive strength of the enterprise and maintain competitive advantage in the market position, according to the FH housing project construction quality status quo and existing problems, the PDCA cycle theory is applied to the quality control and management of the project, and applied in the construction stage, to construct a set of suitable housing project construction quality control system, combined with field research in construction the site of the FH project, through a detailed analysis, from the human, machine, material, method, ring five aspects, promote the circulation of the whole cycle through each stage of the construction phase of the two rounds of promotion item Project quality, obtained remarkable results. The main research contents are as follows: firstly, through the study of theoretical knowledge and related information query, determine the quality control of project construction process using the PDCA cycle theory. Secondly the current situation of FH residential project construction quality and the existing problems are analyzed, and puts forward the necessity of construction quality control of the implementation of FH residential projects. Then according to the FH housing project construction quality status quo and existing problems, combining with PDCA theory, design a set of suitable quality control system, based on the engineering project, the main project, decoration engineering PDCA cycle, each cycle of a quality will rise to a higher level, and ultimately help FH Real Estate Company to enhance the level of quality control, enhance the core competitiveness. The main conclusions are as follows: three (1) PDCA cycle theory of the residential project construction quality control There are scientific and effective. This paper will explore the PDCA cycle method is applied to the quality control of the construction process of FH residential projects, through another round of cycle, improve project quality, improve the level of construction, strengthen the team construction, strengthen the institutions and personnel's responsibility consciousness and responsibility consciousness, and monitoring quality problems the whole process of construction. (2) the construction stage of residential project quality control to achieve the "big ring ring, small environmental protection ring. The quality control of the whole construction process is a big circle, three steps and have a small circulation of their own, and this three xiaoxunhuan purpose is to promote the continuous rolling the quality control of the construction process of large circulation, eventually eliminate all irregularities, occurrence of unsafe factors, nip in the bud, to ensure and improve the quality of the project. (3) the small and medium-sized real estate enterprises can be established based on the residential project construction quality of PDCA cycle Control system to improve the quality of construction. Of course, this paper only studies the quality control of the most critical construction process of residential projects, and continues to focus on quality control in the future stage design and later maintenance, so as to further improve and research.



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