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发布时间:2018-04-22 06:39

  本文选题:预售商品房 + 法定交付条件 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:商品房预售是房地产开发企业将正在建设中的商品房预先出售给购房人,并由购房人支付定金或房价款的行为。预售商品房交付具有远期交付的特征,只有商品房顺利交付,才能实现预售商品房买卖交易的目的。近年来,房地产市场快速发展,解决了居民居住困难。然而,频频曝光的“楼脆脆”、“楼歪歪”以及万科、中海等龙头房企频陷“质量门”事件,引起了各方对于预售制度以及质与量平衡问题的思考。 预售商品房的交付问题,我国相关法律法规都有规定,但现行立法的内容比较杂乱、缺乏协调,其房屋质量问题没有从国家法定交付条件和合同约定交付标准方面区分。笔者从现实存在的问题出发,从预售制度、法律规定到企业责任,分析实践中商品房远期交付行为产生问题的原因,提出完善的建议,作为研究重点,研究内容主要由四部分组成: 第一部分,对预售商品房及其概念进行分析,界定课题研究的范围及意义,指出房地产市场过快发展,供求关系不平衡,房地产开发企业过度扩张,忽视质的保障,房屋交付矛盾突出; 第二部分,分析预售商品房交付存在的法律问题,从房地产市场及现状进行分析,指出房地产市场对预售商品房交付的影响,重点分析了交付不能、不完全交付、迟延交付和受领迟延等交付法律问题,并就实践中最常见的质量纠纷认定及“验收”问题进行了分析,更加清晰的认识到商品房交付法律问题的所在,以便后续章节理清原因,找出解决的途径。 第三部分,分析商品房交付法律问题产生的原因,房地产开发企业缘何在实践中采用违法的交付条件,为什么不怕达不到房屋约定的交付标准?原因在于不完善的预售制度下,法律的漏洞、房地产开发企业利益的权衡社会责任的缺失等等。 第四部分,集中并全面论证,通过建议完善现有的预售制度、明确法定的交付条件、严格的政府监管、强化企业社会责任等,全面提高房屋质量,各方分摊交付风险,减少矛盾和纠纷,并指导实践中纠纷问题的解决和社会矛盾的调处,,促进房地产市场质与量的平衡健康发展,促进社会和谐。
[Abstract]:The pre-sale of commercial housing is the behavior of the real estate development enterprise to sell the commercial house under construction to the buyer in advance and pay the deposit or the price of the house by the buyer. The delivery of pre-sale commercial housing has the characteristics of forward delivery. Only when commercial housing is delivered smoothly, can the purpose of sale and purchase of pre-sale commercial housing be realized. In recent years, the rapid development of the real estate market has solved the housing difficulties of residents. However, the frequent exposure of "brittle buildings", "buildings crooked" and the frequent "quality door" incidents of leading houses such as Vanke and Zhonghai have caused all parties to think about the pre-sale system and the balance between quality and quantity. The delivery of pre-sale commercial housing is regulated by relevant laws and regulations of our country, but the content of current legislation is rather messy and lack of coordination, and the quality of housing has not been distinguished from the state statutory delivery conditions and contract delivery standards. From the point of view of the existing problems in reality, the author analyzes the causes of the problems arising from the pre-sale system, the legal provisions and the corporate responsibility, and puts forward some suggestions for the improvement of the behavior of the long-term delivery of commercial housing, which is the focus of the research. The research content consists of four parts: In the first part, the author analyzes the pre-sale commercial housing and its concept, defines the scope and significance of the research, and points out that the real estate market develops too fast, the supply and demand relations are unbalanced, the real estate development enterprises expand excessively and ignore the guarantee of quality. The contradiction of house delivery is prominent; The second part analyzes the legal problems existing in the delivery of pre-sale commercial housing, analyzes the real estate market and its present situation, points out the impact of the real estate market on the delivery of pre-sale commercial housing, and focuses on the analysis of the failure and incomplete delivery of the real estate market. The legal problems of delivery such as delay in delivery and delay in receiving payment are analyzed, and the most common problems of identification and acceptance of quality disputes in practice are analyzed, and the legal problems of delivery of commercial housing are more clearly recognized in order to clarify the causes in the subsequent chapters. Find a solution. The third part, analyzes the reason of the legal problem of the delivery of commercial housing, the real estate development enterprises why in practice to adopt illegal delivery conditions, why not be afraid to meet the agreed delivery standards? The reasons lie in the imperfect pre-sale system, the loopholes of the law, the lack of balance of social responsibility in the interests of real estate development enterprises and so on. The fourth part, centralized and comprehensive demonstration, through the proposal to improve the existing pre-sale system, clear legal delivery conditions, strict government supervision, strengthen corporate social responsibility, and comprehensively improve the quality of housing, all parties share the risk of delivery, To reduce contradictions and disputes, and to guide the settlement of disputes and social contradictions in practice, to promote the balance between quality and quantity of real estate market and healthy development, to promote social harmony.


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