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发布时间:2018-04-27 12:55

  本文选题:会计信息管理 + 信息系统 ; 参考:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:At present, most of the information management level of small and medium-sized enterprises still stay on the basis of paper medium and single machine table. This way needs a lot of manpower and material resources, but it can not efficiently manage the data information. Based on the specific accounting information management situation of Shanghai Jinfeng Yiju Real Estate Company and according to the business development needs of this kind of small and medium-sized enterprises, this paper designs and implements a set of accounting information management system suitable for this kind of enterprises. In terms of specific needs, the current internal accounting information, accounting and other related management work and decision-making support efforts have reflected weaknesses, the process is not standardized, which seriously hindered the development of enterprises, thus, The system designed and implemented in this paper needs to solve the difficulties and problems faced by the above enterprises. Based on the actual demands of the above specific user enterprises, this paper mainly carries out the following research work: firstly, the paper constructs the accounting information management module, the accounting management module, the data management module, Decision support management module and report statistical management module are composed of accounting information management system to realize the management and statistics of enterprise accounting information, accounting information application, and all kinds of data report forms. So as to provide data source for enterprise commodity profitability analysis. Secondly, in order to ensure the support of the data needed for enterprise commodity profitability analysis, the system designs the support mechanism for the transmission and processing of multi-node data, the data protection mechanism, and the data conversion mechanism. The system studied in this paper successfully applies the business intelligence technology to the system by using the neural network analysis technology in the data mining technology and the BP model algorithm. Specifically, a large number of business data collected from different channels are analyzed and processed according to the designated business model through data mining, and then the judgment and analysis of enterprise commodity profitability are carried out through BP model algorithm formula. Therefore, it provides a certain support basis for the company's management and leadership decision. At present, the enterprise accounting information management system designed in this paper has been successfully implemented, and has been tested and verified in detail. The results of function test and performance test show that the system can meet all the expected requirements of users, realize all the functions, and meet all the performance requirements in advance. To sum up, the system has realized the paperless office of accounting information management of small and medium-sized enterprises, which can greatly improve the scientificity and standardization of accounting information management, and effectively enhance the efficiency of enterprise accounting information management. Reduce the cost of business management.


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