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发布时间:2018-05-21 17:42

  本文选题:房地产 + 商业计划书 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:2011年以来,国家为抑制房地产投资、投机性需求,遏制房价上涨,巩固和扩大调控成果,房地产市场调控行政与经济手段并用,“限购”、“限价”、“限贷”等政策全面升级,,政策及措施更加严厉。这再一次体现了房地产市场的不确定性与高风险性。如何准确地对目前房地产市场进行分析,并及时采取有效的措施进行应对,是目前国内所有房地产企业共同面临的智慧考验。而一份合理、有效的商业计划书,既是指导房地产企业对未来投资的行动纲领,也是企业进行招商引资的商务活动指南。 本文以肇庆市HL项目为研究对象,对该项目的可行性进行了分析,为项目的投资决策提供参考。 本商业计划书首先运用文献检索等研究方法对中国的房地产市场进行客观地分析,并对未来中国房地产市场进行了相关的预测。进而对项目的投资人肇庆市HF房地产发展有限公司及HL项目的基本情况进行了介绍,联系肇庆市的实际情况,对肇庆市的房地产进行了环境分析,利用波特五力模型分析工具对其竞争性进行了分析。在此基础上,提出来HL项目的市场定位,围绕定位对项目的营销策略和管理提出了方案。最后,从收入、利润、盈利能力等方面对项目的进行了财务分析,并对可能出现的风险提出了针对性的应对措施。由此得出如下结论:该项目的税后净利润率达到15.1%,内部收益率达25%,均远高于行业水平。通过敏感性分析和风险分析显示,总体风险是可控的。该项目具有投资收益高、运作周期短、风险可控等优点,该项目投资是可行的。
[Abstract]:Since 2011, in order to curb real estate investment, speculative demand, curb the rise of house prices, consolidate and expand the achievements of regulation and control, real estate market regulation and control administrative and economic means, "limited purchase", "price limit," Restrictions on lending and other policies, such as comprehensive upgrading, policies and measures more stringent. This again reflects the uncertainty and high risk of the real estate market. How to accurately analyze the present real estate market and take effective measures to deal with it in time is the wisdom test that all the real estate enterprises in our country are facing together at present. A reasonable and effective business plan is not only an action plan to guide real estate enterprises to invest in the future, but also a guide to business activities. Taking the HL project of Zhaoqing city as the research object, this paper analyzes the feasibility of the project and provides a reference for the investment decision of the project. This business plan firstly analyzes the real estate market in China objectively by using the research methods such as literature retrieval, and forecasts the future real estate market in China. Furthermore, the paper introduces the basic situation of Zhaoqing HF Real Estate Development Co., Ltd and HL project, and analyzes the environment of Zhaoqing real estate in the light of the actual situation of Zhaoqing City. The competitiveness is analyzed by using Porter's five-force model analysis tool. On this basis, the market positioning of HL project is put forward, and the scheme of marketing strategy and management is put forward. Finally, the financial analysis of the project is carried out from the aspects of revenue, profit and profitability, and the corresponding countermeasures are put forward to deal with the possible risks. The conclusion is as follows: the net profit margin of the project is 15.1and the internal rate of return is 25%, which is far higher than the industry level. Sensitivity analysis and risk analysis show that the overall risk is controllable. The project has the advantages of high investment income, short operation period and controllable risk, so the investment of the project is feasible.


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