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Traffic Forecasting and Planning of WiMAX under Multiple Pri

发布时间:2016-12-20 19:46


《Proceedings of the 2nd Computational Mathematics and Applications Conference》2015年

Traffic Forecasting and Planning of WiMAX under Multiple Priority Using Fuzzy Time Series Analysis

Ismail Bin Abdullah  Daw Abdulsalam Ali Daw  Kamaruzzaman Bin Seman  

【摘要】:Network traffic prediction plays a fundamental role in characterizing the network performance and it is of significant interests in many network applications, such as admission control or network management. Therefore, The main idea behind this work, is the development of a WIMAX Traffic Forecasting System for predicting traffic time series based on the daily and monthly traffic data recorded(TRD) with association of feed forward multi-layer perceptron(FFMLP). The quality of forecasting WIMAX Traffic obtained by comparing different configurations of the FFMLP that consist of investigating different FFMLP model architectures and different Learning Algorithms.The decision of changing the FFMLP architecture is essentially based on prediction results to obtain the FFMLP model for flow traffic prediction model. The different configurations were tested using daily and monthly real traffic data recorded at each of the two base stations(A and B) that belongs to a Libyan Wi MAX Network. We evaluate our approach with statistical measurement and a good statistic measure of FMLP indicates the performance of selected neural network configuration. The developed system indicates promising results in which it successfully network traffic prediction through daily and monthly traffic data recorded(TRD) association with artificial neural network.

【作者单位】:Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Bandar Baru Nilai, Malaysia

1.IntroductionFuzzy systems are systems combining fuzzifier,fuzzy rule bases,fuzzy inference engine and defuzzifier(Wang,[1]).The systems have advantages that the developed models are characterized by linguistic interpretability andthe generated rules ca




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>Department o...

>School of Tr...

>School of Bu...


>Baotian Dong >Lei Wu

>Yirong Guo >梅岭丰

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