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发布时间:2018-11-10 17:53
【摘要】:随着我国经济的快速发展,以及产业结构和社会消费结构的不断调整升级,我国房地产业不断取得快速发展,成为社会经济发展的支柱产业,在我国社会发展中占据着主要的位置。然而由于房地产行业具有投资大、周期长、产业相关性强、高风险、高收益的特点,及我国不断颁布新的政策法规对房地产行业不断加强调控,加之房地产行业受整个社会经济发展的影响比较大,尤其是金融危机的影响,使得房地产公司随时都可能承受巨大的财务风险。根据《2012年度中国实体经济发展报告——中国非金融类上市公司财务安全评估报告2012》可以看到在纳入统计的1689家样本中,有28.06%的企业存在较大或者重大财务风险,其中房地产业、仓储业、建筑业在内的三大行业出现严重异常。数据显示房地产业存在较大的财务风险,财务安全指数同比下降35.32%,居20个非金融行业之首,由此可见重视财务风险评价和研究对房地产行业健康持续发展的重要性。 我国上市公司财务风险评价机制的健全和对风险灵活应对能力的提高,可以使公司能够较好的面对各种财务风险,在竞争激烈的社会活动中增强应对各种风险的能力,从而取得优势地位,获得更好的发展。财务是一个企业的命脉,主导着一个企业能否持续和有效的发展,尤其是房地产行业与其它行业相比,财务对其发展尤为重要。因此对房地产公司开展财务风险评价和财务风险管理的研究,增强其应对风险的能力具有很重要的现实意义。 本文在阅读大量相关文献并对国内外财务风险评价进行研究总结的基础上,运用定性和定量的方法对我国房地产上市公司财务风险的特征、现状及产生的原因进行分析,构建相应的财务风险评价指标体系,并运用生存分析法构建财务风险评价模型对我国房地产上市公司的财务风险进行评价和研究,提出相应的措施以提高我国房地产上市公司的财务风险管理水平。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of our economy and the constant adjustment and upgrading of the industrial structure and the social consumption structure, the real estate industry in our country has made rapid development and become the pillar industry of the social economic development. In our country social development occupies the main position. However, the real estate industry has the characteristics of large investment, long period, strong industrial relevance, high risk and high income, and our country has constantly promulgated new policies and regulations to strengthen the regulation and control of the real estate industry. In addition, the real estate industry is greatly affected by the whole social and economic development, especially the financial crisis, making real estate companies may bear huge financial risks at any time. According to the report on the Development of China's Real economy in the year of 2012-the Financial Safety Assessment report of China's Non-financial listed companies 2012 >, we can see that out of the 1689 samples included, 28.06% of the enterprises have significant or significant financial risks. Among them, real estate, storage industry, construction industry and other three industries appear serious anomalies. The data show that the real estate industry has great financial risks, and the financial safety index is 35.32% lower than the previous year, ranking first in 20 non-financial industries. It can be seen that it is important to attach importance to the evaluation and research of financial risk for the healthy and sustainable development of real estate industry. The perfection of financial risk evaluation mechanism and the improvement of flexible ability to deal with risks can enable companies to face all kinds of financial risks and strengthen their ability to deal with various kinds of risks in the competitive social activities. Thus obtains the superiority position, obtains the better development. Finance is the lifeblood of an enterprise, which dominates the sustainable and effective development of an enterprise, especially in the real estate industry compared with other industries, finance is particularly important to its development. Therefore, it is of great practical significance for real estate companies to carry out financial risk assessment and financial risk management to enhance their ability to deal with risks. On the basis of reading a large number of relevant documents and researching and summarizing the financial risk assessment at home and abroad, this paper uses qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze the characteristics, current situation and causes of financial risk of listed real estate companies in China. Constructing the corresponding financial risk evaluation index system, and using the survival analysis method to construct the financial risk evaluation model to evaluate and study the financial risk of the listed real estate companies in China. The corresponding measures are put forward to improve the level of financial risk management of listed real estate companies in China.


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