本文关键词:成都市养老产业发展问题及对策研究 出处:《四川师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of China's economy and society, the ageing population in which more and more people pay attention to the past, the government arranged pension model has been unable to meet the increasing needs of the elderly pension pension, the traditional way of exposing more and more problems, and the development of the pension industry is the only way which must be passed to solve the problem. Pension industrialization can not only provide the elderly with various, different levels of pension products, but also alleviate the negative pressure brought by aging, and more importantly, promote the development of employment and emerging industries, and create a new growth point for the Chinese economy. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to develop a good old-age industry. With the population age structure, overall, China society is gradually entering the aging society, the sixth census data show that the elderly population aged 60 and above accounted for more than 10% internationally recognized standards, reached 13.26%; Chengdu as the center of the city, the situation is more severe, has accounted for more than 20%; consider the equalization of urban and rural development gradually advancing the requirements of urban and rural public products and services, if completely follow the existing old-age security model, the government public finance will be overwhelmed. The other side of the crisis is that the social pension industry is facing huge market space, and the future of this industry is expected to be given more and more markets. However, this is in contrast to the industry development status is not satisfactory, the pension service single product, service personnel quality is low, management is not in place and other issues restricting the further development of the pension industry in Chengdu City, in this case, the research status and mode of development of the pension industry, it is necessary to solve the difficulties and mode selection problem of the development of the pension industry in Chengdu city. Based on the specific circumstances of Chengdu, this study provides a model reference for the development of Chengdu's pension industry, and analyzes the status and problems of Chengdu's pension industry through field research and data analysis, and puts forward specific policy recommendations. The specific arrangements are as follows: first, by elaborating the background and significance of the development of the pension industry, and introducing the research methods adopted by this research, combined with industry theory and market failure theory, we can understand the connotation of the pension industry. Secondly, the author studies the status quo of domestic and foreign scholars to grasp, learn from Japan, the United States and Britain early aging country development experience, using field research methods to understand the operation of the elderly pension institutions and expectations, the basic situation of Chengdu City, the pension industry market operation, on the basis of this. From the quality of pension and individual needs, ability to pay and the adjustment of industrial aspects in the development of Chengdu pension industry is feasible. This paper puts forward three models for the development of pension industry in Chengdu, and compares their advantages and disadvantages. On this basis, it puts forward targeted policy recommendations combined with the above.
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