发布时间:2018-01-01 18:30
本文关键词:酒店企业跨国扩张及其在中国发展研究 出处:《华东师范大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 酒店企业 跨国酒店 跨国扩张 空间演变 空间分布格局 区位选择 中国
【摘要】:伴随着经济全球化的不断深入和旅游业的蓬勃发展,跨国酒店集团囊括了全 球一半以上的酒店。跨国扩张成为酒店企业寻求更大发展的必然选择,酒店企业 跨国扩张已成为新世纪重要的旅游经济现象。传统的对酒店企业跨国扩张领域的 研究多基于经济学和管理学基础,基于地理学基础的研究比较薄弱。酒店企业跨 国扩张意味着突破一国或地区的边界,进入另一个国家或地区进行发展,这一现 象具有强烈的地理空间属性。现有研究对酒店企业跨国扩张的空间规律研究不够 深入,解释不够透彻,这是当前需要加强的一个方面。在酒店企业跨国扩张进程中,中国的地位越来越重要,尤其是金融危机后, 发达国家酒店企业纷纷推进在华的新一轮发展战略。厘清跨国酒店在华发展的空 间规律,揭示其在华发展的区位选择影响因素,是应对跨国酒店在华发展的重要 基础。对酒店企业跨国扩张及其在中国的发展进行研究,在理论上有利于加深对酒 店企业这一旅游经济主体和酒店企业跨国扩张空间规律的认识,对旅游业甚至是 服务业的国际化有一定的理论指导意义。同时,也为该领域的研究提供基于地理 学视角的诸多结论,丰富该领域的研究内容。另一方面,中国要应对跨国酒店在 华的激烈竞争,就需要掌握其在华发展的空间规律。同时,中国要实现旅游强国 战略,就需要培养自己的跨国酒店,并推进其跨国经营进程。这些需要都要求对 酒店企业跨国扩张及其在华发展的空间演变和区位选择进行研究。因此,本文的 研究在实践上有利于为中国本土酒店企业应对跨国酒店的市场竞争,并实施跨国 经营战略提供借鉴和指导。基于上述研究目的,本文从酒店企业跨国扩张及其在华发展的相关理论及文 献综述入手,采用“理论基础——规律探寻——中国实证”的研究思路,以全球 酒店企业10强及主要在华外资酒店为研究对象,探讨在经济全球化背景下,酒 店企业跨国扩张及其在华发展的空间规律及影响因素。本文有三个核心议题, 是,酒店企业跨国扩张的空间演变特征如何?其当前的空间分布格局是何种形 态?二是,酒店企业跨国扩张区位选择受到哪些因素的影响?其中,哪些因素是影响区位选择的根本性因素?三是,跨国酒店在华发展的空间演变特征如何?其区位选择受到哪些因素的影响?前述的影响因素在此过程中是否得以体现?为解答这三个核心议题,本文在结构上共分为八章,各章的主要内容具体如下: 第一章是导论。阐述了本文的选题背景、研究意义、研究方法、研究对象、研究内容、研究思路、篇章结构和主要创新点,并对国内外相关文献进行了综述。 第二章是基础理论的阐述。重点从经济地理学和国际投资的视角,选择服务业区位论、企业空间扩张理论、区域经济发展关系理论、国际生产折中理论、区位优势理论等进行研究。由于酒店业的特殊性,本文对上述理论在酒店企业跨国扩张研究中的适用性进行了探讨。 第三章是酒店企业跨国扩张这一问题的基本认识。包括相关概念界定,酒店企业跨国扩张的历史阶段划分、基础条件、主要形式及扩张动因。 第四章是酒店企业跨国扩张空间演变特征研究。主要从洲际和国家两个层面对该问题进行研究。研究过程中,分别从美国、英国、法国酒店企业的视角对该问题进行比较分析,采用相应的数学模型对酒店企业跨国扩张空间演变特征进行定量测度。发现酒店企业跨国扩张重心向亚洲转移,扩张过程中接触扩散与等级扩散相混合,空间演变呈现多中心趋向均质发展,从核心区向腹地扩散的特征。发达国家和新兴市场国家呈现差异化发展特征。 第五章是跨国酒店海外空间分布格局研究。分别从洲际、国家、城市三个层面对该问题进行了研究。研究过程中,采用数学模型和GIS空间分析方法对跨国酒店在海外的空间分布格局进行了刻画,引入世界城市理论,阐述了城市层面的跨国酒店在海外的空间分布格局。发现跨国酒店在海外空间分布呈现总体分散,相对集中的特征,欧美发达国家及亚洲和中南美的新兴经济体成为跨国酒店扩张的重要方向,世界城市、城市群、经济实力较强城市、发达国家和新兴市场国家城市是酒店企业跨国扩张的重点区位指向。 第六章是酒店企业跨国扩张区位选择研究。包括模型的建构,酒店企业跨国扩张区位选择影响因素的归纳、筛选和测度,提炼区位选择根本性影响因素,并对每一种影响因素展开阐述。发现入境旅游规模、外商直接投资规模、经济总量规模、经济发展水平、地缘和文化亲缘是影响酒店企业跨国扩张区位选择的根本性因素。 第七章是跨国酒店在华发展研究。包括跨国酒店在华发展历程、酒店类型、扩张动因、经营形式,重点对跨国酒店在华空间演变过程、空间分布特征及区位选择影响因素进行了实证研究。发现跨国酒店在华空间分布呈现集中特征,形成环渤海、长三角、珠三角三大集聚区,从东部向西部过渡,分布数量逐步减少。中部省份正成为跨国酒店新一轮扩张的主要区位指向。外资高档酒店越来越向东部集中,同时伴随“中部塌陷”现象。外资中档酒店正向中部地区转移。跨国酒店在华主要分布在经济实力较强的城市,尤其是一线城市和三大城市群内部,但目前其空间分布由不均衡向均衡转化,从一线城市向二线城市扩散。跨国酒店选择布点城市主要受入境旅游者人数的影响,其次是4A级(含)以上景区数量。随着跨国酒店在华发展的逐步深入,市场需求对其分布城市区位选择的影响越来越大,景区供给的影响越来越小,占领市场的动机越加显著。跨国酒店在中国的发展印证了第四、第五、第六章的研究结论。 第八章是结论和展望。阐述了全文的主要研究结论,并对本领域以后的研究方向提出建议。 本文主要在以下几个方面进行了创新尝试: (1)刻画酒店企业跨国扩张空间过程和空间分布格局。现有对酒店企业跨国扩张空间演变特征和空间分布格局的研究过于宏观,系统性较差,主观性较强,空间分析较薄弱。本文从洲际、国家、城市三个层面分别刻画了酒店企业跨国扩张的空间演变特征和空间分布格局。研究既包括了酒店企业全球性空间演变的宏观分析,又包括了在具体国家空间演变的微观分析。采用了一系列数学模型对酒店企业跨国扩张空间演变特征和空间分布格局进行了定量测度,增强了研究的科学性。本研究较为系统地刻画了酒店企业跨国扩张的空间演变特征和空间分布格局,这也是以往研究中相对薄弱的一个方面。 (2)提出酒店企业跨国扩张区位选择根本性影响因素。现有对酒店企业跨国扩张区位选择的研究比较琐碎,而且由于未采用数学模型而表现出较强的主观性。本文采用数学模型和统计分析方法,对酒店企业跨国扩张区位选择影响因素进行了客观评价,增强了研究的客观性。在此基础上,将现有研究成果进行整合、提炼、发展,归纳出酒店企业跨国扩张区位选择五大根本性影响因素。 (3)深化对跨国酒店在华发展空间规律的认识。本文的研究成果是跨国酒店在华发展情况的一个系统的刻画,其中有三个亮点:第一个亮点是发现外资高档酒店存在“中部塌陷”现象;第二个亮点是发现外资中档酒店存在从西部地区向中部地区转移的趋向;第三个亮点是发现跨国酒店在华选择布点城市主要受入境旅游者人数的影响,其次是4A级(含)以上景区数量,并且市场需求对跨国酒店分布城市区位选择的影响越来越大,景区供给的影响越来越小。 (4)丰富酒店企业跨国扩张研究领域的方法体系。以往对酒店企业跨国扩张相关领域的研究多基于经济学、管理学视角,本文着重从地理学的角度切入这一问题,用空间分析的方法来研究酒店企业跨国扩张的规律,在方法体系上多次应用地理学的相关模型和公式,大量采用地图、GIS等空间分析工具,使研究更直观、形象。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of economic globalization and the flourishing of tourism, the transnational hotel group covers all of them.
More than half of the hotels. Transnational expansion has become the inevitable choice for hotel enterprises to seek greater development, hotel enterprises
Transnational expansion has become an important tourist economic phenomenon in the new century.
The research is based on the basis of economics and management, and the research based on geography is weak.
The expansion of the country means breaking through the boundaries of one country or region and entering the development of another country or region.
The image has a strong geographical spatial attribute. The research on the spatial law of the transnational expansion of the hotel enterprises is not enough
In depth, the explanation is not thorough enough. This is an aspect that needs to be strengthened at present. In the process of hotel business expansion, China's position is more and more important, especially after the financial crisis.
Hotel enterprises in developed countries have pushed forward a new round of development strategy in China. To clarify the vacant development of transnational hotels in China
It is important to reveal the influence factors of location selection in China, which is important to deal with the development of transnational hotels in China.
The research on the transnational expansion of the hotel enterprises and their development in China is beneficial to the deepening of the wine in theory.
The knowledge of the tourist economy subject and the spatial law of the transnational expansion of the hotel enterprises, and even the tourism industry
The internationalization of service industry has a certain theoretical guiding significance. At the same time, it also provides geography for the research in this field.
On the other hand, China should deal with transnational hotels on the other hand.
The fierce competition in China needs to master the spatial law of its development in China. At the same time, China should realize a powerful tourist power.
The strategy needs to develop its own transnational hotels and promote its transnational business process.
The international expansion of hotel enterprises and their spatial evolution and location selection in China. Therefore, this paper
In practice, the study is beneficial to China's local hotel enterprises to cope with the market competition of transnational hotels and to carry out transnational hotels.
The management strategy provides reference and guidance. Based on the purpose of the above research, this article from the related theories and articles of the hotel enterprise's transnational expansion and its development in China
On the basis of the summary, we adopt the research idea of "the theoretical basis - the law exploration - China empirical", with the whole world
Hotel enterprises 10 and mainly foreign capital hotels in China as the research object, discuss the wine under the background of economic globalization.
There are three core issues in this paper: the spatial law and influence factors of the multinational expansion and its development in China.
What are the characteristics of the spatial evolution of hotel enterprises' transnational expansion? What is the pattern of its current spatial distribution
Two, the hotel enterprises? International expansion location choice by which factors? Which factors are fundamental factors affecting the choice of the location of the? Three, the international hotels in the development of China's space evolution characteristics? What factors influence its location? Whether to embody the influence factors in this process? The three core issues in this solution, the structure is divided into eight chapters, the main contents of each chapter are as follows:
The first chapter is the introduction. It describes the background, significance, research methods, research objects, research contents, research ideas, text structure and main points of innovation, and summarizes the related literatures both at home and abroad.
The second chapter is the basic theory. The focus from economic geography and international investment perspective, the service industry location theory, enterprise expansion theory, regional economic development theory, eclectic theory of international production, research on location advantage theory. Because of the particularity of the hotel industry, this paper discusses the applicability of the above theory in the study of international expansion of the hotel business.
The third chapter is the basic understanding of the problem of hotel enterprises' transnational expansion. It includes the definition of related concepts, the historical stages, the basic conditions, main forms and expansion drivers of hotel enterprises' transnational expansion.
The fourth chapter is the research on the evolution characteristics of multinational enterprises. Mainly from the expansion of Space Hotel InterContinental and the national two aspects of the problem are studied. During the study, respectively, from the United States, Britain, comparative analysis of the problem of the French hotel business perspective, a mathematical model is applied to the international expansion of space evolution characteristics of quantitative measure of hotel enterprises Discovery Inn Hotel. The multinational expansion focus to Asia, diffusion and hierarchy diffusion contact expansion process, spatial evolution presents multi center development trend of homogeneous features from the core area, spread to the hinterland. The developed countries and emerging market countries show differences in development characteristics.
The fifth chapter is the research on the distribution pattern of overseas multinational hotel space. From the intercontinental, country, three aspects of the city are studied. During the study, the mathematical model and GIS spatial analysis method on the distribution pattern of the international hotels in the overseas space are given, in the world city theory, expounds the distribution in overseas the spatial pattern of city level multinational hotel. Found international hotels in overseas distribution shows characteristics of scattered, relatively concentrated, developed countries and emerging economies in Asia and Latin America has become an important direction of the multinational hotel expansion of the world city, city group, strong economic strength of city, developed countries and emerging market countries city the location is the focus of hotel enterprises cross-border expansion point.
The sixth chapter is the expansion of multinational hotel location choice research. Including model construction, the influence factors of multinational hotel induction expansion location, screening and measure, refine location factors influence it, and elaborated on the factors of each entry tourism is discussed. It is found that the scale, the scale of foreign direct investment, the total economy scale. The level of economic development, geographical and cultural relationship is the fundamental factors affecting the international expansion of the choice of the location of the hotel business.
The seventh chapter is the research on the development of the international hotels in China. Including multinational hotel development in China, the hotel type expansion agent, management form, focus on the process of the evolution of the international hotels in China, the spatial distribution characteristics and influencing factors of the location choice of the empirical research. The present distribution features found in China space international hotels, the formation of Bohai the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, the three major clusters, the transition from the east to the west, gradually reduce the number of distribution. The central provinces are becoming the main location of multinational hotel a new round of expansion point. More and more foreign high-end hotel to the East, accompanied by a "central collapse" phenomenon. The transfer of foreign investment are mid-range hotel international hotels in the central region. China is mainly distributed in the strong economic strength of the city, especially first-tier cities and three city groups, but its spatial distribution by balanced transformation, from the first The city spreads to the second city. The multinational hotel choice is mainly affected by the number of city distribution of inbound tourists, followed by 4A (inclusive) above the number of scenic spots. With the development of the international hotels in China gradually, the greater market demand for its influence on the distribution of city location selection and influence of scenic spot supply is more and more small, occupation the market has become increasingly significant. The motivation of the international hotels in the China development confirmed fourth, fifth, sixth chapter of conclusions.
The eighth chapter is the conclusion and prospect. It expounds the main research conclusions of the full text, and puts forward some suggestions on the future research direction in this field.
This article has made an innovative attempt in the following aspects:
(1) describe the distribution process and the spatial pattern of international expansion of space hotel enterprises. Study on the characteristics of the spatial distribution pattern and evolution of the existing hotel enterprise transnational expansion space is too general, the system is poor, subjectivity, spatial analysis is weak. This paper from the three aspects of intercontinental, country, city respectively depicts the hotel enterprises cross-border expansion the spatial characteristics and spatial distribution pattern. The research includes both the macro analysis of the hotel enterprise global space evolution, including micro evolution analysis in specific national space. Using a series of mathematical model of hotel enterprise transnational expansion space evolution characteristics and spatial distribution pattern of quantitative measure, strengthen the scientific research. Systematically describes the hotel enterprise transnational expansion of space evolution characteristics and spatial distribution pattern, this is also a weakness of previous studies On the other hand.
(2) the international expansion of hotel enterprises location choice essential factor. The existing research on the location choice of multinational hotel expansion relatively trivial, and because of not using a mathematical model and showed strong subjectivity. This paper uses the mathematical model and the statistical analysis method, the objective evaluation of the factors influencing the choice of Hotel company international expansion location. To enhance the research objective. On the basis of the existing research results of integration, refinement, development, summed up the five factors affecting the fundamental choice of hotel enterprise transnational expansion location.
(3) to deepen the understanding of the laws of the development of space in multinational hotel. The results of this study was to describe a system development of the international hotels in China, which has three highlights: first highlight is found upscale hotel foreign capitals "central collapse" phenomenon; second bright spot is found there foreign mid-range Hotel tend to transfer from the west to the central region; the third highlight is that the international hotels in China city is mainly affected by the number of sites selection of inbound tourists, followed by 4A (inclusive) above the number of scenic spots, and greater market demand for cross country hotel distribution city location selection and influence of supply and scenic spots the smaller.
(4) rich international expansion of research field of the hotel business system. The previous research on hotel enterprise transnational expansion in related fields based on economics, management science perspective, this paper cut in this problem from the angle of geography, using the method of spatial analysis to study the hotel enterprises cross-border expansion rules, model and formula of multiple applications in geography method system, using a large number of maps, GIS spatial analysis tools, which makes the research more intuitive image.
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