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发布时间:2018-01-08 06:18

  本文关键词:生产性服务业集聚对城镇化的影响研究 出处:《重庆大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 生产性服务业集聚 城镇化 理论机制构建 空间计量分析

[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's urbanization has entered a stage of rapid development, the level of population and economic urbanization has improved significantly. However, it is affected by the development of traditional industrialization. In the process of urbanization in China, there are some problems, such as extensive urban development model, insufficient capacity of population agglomeration and low efficiency of economic operation. Industrial adjustment and upgrading and sustainable and healthy development of cities are seriously restricted. Producer services have the characteristics of high added value, high employment elasticity and intensive knowledge and technology. The development of producer services agglomeration is not only conducive to increasing the proportion of urban population, but also can greatly optimize the urban industrial structure, improve the efficiency of economic operation and the level of comprehensive development. It is of far-reaching significance to take the agglomeration of producer services as the motive mechanism to promote the further development of urbanization. This paper is based on the theoretical mechanism construction and spatial econometric analysis. This paper studies the impact of producer services agglomeration on urbanization from both theoretical and empirical aspects. The theoretical mechanism of producer service agglomeration on urbanization is constructed. By using the linear economic model of Hotelling, the discussion on urban system in spatial economics is expanded. The mechanism of producer service agglomeration relying on manufacturing agglomeration and the effect of pure producer service agglomeration on urbanization are established respectively. Secondly, the paper analyzes the level and difference of regional producer services agglomeration and urbanization in China, and based on the provincial panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2004 to 2012. The effect of producer service agglomeration on urbanization is studied by means of spatial econometric analysis. The research shows that the promotion of producer service agglomeration level can promote urban population growth and economic efficiency improvement. Promote the dual development of population urbanization and economic urbanization. Theoretical research shows that with the development of producer services, urban scale will continue to expand and promote the formation of the city center. On this basis. The empirical results based on spatial measurement also show that, whether in the binary matrix or the level of economic development matrix model. The agglomeration level of producer services has a dual optimization effect on population and economic urbanization. (2) the matching between producer services agglomeration and industrialization is more reasonable, but the matching with the level of opening to the outside world and the level of fiscal expenditure needs to be further improved; (3) the influence factors of population and economic urbanization are different. In the model of population urbanization, the level of economic development and transportation infrastructure should be taken into account in the process of urbanization. The control variables such as the level of opening to the outside world and the level of education and culture have significant positive effects on urbanization, while the level of industrialization has a significant negative effect on urbanization. In the economic urbanization model, the economic development level, the transportation infrastructure, the non-state-owned unit employment population, the fixed assets formation, the financial expenditure level has the remarkable positive effect to the urbanization. Industrialization level and scientific and technological level have a significant negative effect on it. Finally, according to the conclusions of the research and the actual development of urbanization in China, this paper briefly puts forward four countermeasures and suggestions of producer services agglomeration to promote the urbanization development. The future research direction is prospected.


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