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发布时间:2018-02-02 17:02

  本文关键词: 转型期 山东省 服务业 协整检验 误差修正模型 出处:《辽宁大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:改革开放以来,服务业在我国国民经济中的地位越来越突出,服务业发展在调整产业结构、增加就业、促进经济增长、保持社会稳定方面起着重要作用。山东省是全国的经济大省,但服务业发展方面相对偏弱,与经济发展水平相近省份有较大差距,这种差距不仅体现在总量上,也体现在发展的层次上。服务业发展的相对滞后制约着全省经济再上新的台阶。全面认识转型期山东省服务业发展的现状、问题与影响因素,并采取相应的对策来加快山东省服务业的发展,是一项紧迫而现实的任务。 全文共六个部分,第一部分介绍了文章的研究背景与意义,然后阐述了本文的研究思路、研究内容与研究方法,并说明了本文的创新点及不足。第二部分主要介绍服务业文献综述与相关理论。第三部分从服务业总体以及内部各行业发展两方面入手具体分析了转型期山东省服务业发展的现状。第四部分在现状分析的基础上通过比较分析指出转型期山东省服务业与全国以及东部沿海发达省份在产值与就业比重方面存在的差距,并分析了山东省服务业内部结构不合理、发展层次较低的问题,,针对这些问题对其影响因素运用协整检验和误差修正模型进行了实证探究。第五部分介绍了美国与新加坡以及香港服务业发展的成功经验。第六部分在结合问题与影响因素分析的基础上借鉴国内外发展服务业的经验从加大政府扶持力度、提高城乡居民收入水平、服务业市场化水平、创造人才集聚的良好环境、加快城镇化进程以及调整服务业内部结构六个方面提出了策建议。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, the service industry has become more and more prominent in the national economy. The development of the service industry is adjusting the industrial structure, increasing employment and promoting economic growth. Maintaining social stability plays an important role. Shandong Province is a major economic province in China, but the development of the service industry is relatively weak, and there is a big gap with the economic development level of similar provinces, this gap is not only reflected in the total amount. Also reflected in the level of development. The relative lag in the development of the service industry restricts the province's economy to a new level. Fully understand the current situation, problems and influencing factors of the development of service industry in Shandong Province during the transition period. It is an urgent and realistic task to take corresponding countermeasures to speed up the development of service industry in Shandong Province. The first part introduces the research background and significance of the article, and then describes the research ideas, research content and research methods. The second part mainly introduces the service industry literature review and related theories. The third part from the service industry as a whole as well as the internal development of the two aspects of the specific analysis of the transition of Shandong Province. 4th part on the basis of the analysis of the current situation through comparative analysis pointed out that Shandong Province in the transition period of the service industry and the eastern coastal developed provinces in terms of output value and employment ratio gap. It also analyzes the problems of unreasonable internal structure and low level of development of service industry in Shandong Province. In view of these problems, we use cointegration test and error correction model to study the influencing factors. Part 5th introduces the successful experience of service industry development in the United states, Singapore and Hong Kong. Part 6th combines the problems. Based on the analysis of the influencing factors, the author draws lessons from the experience of developing the service industry at home and abroad from increasing the support of the government. Some suggestions are put forward in six aspects, such as raising the income level of urban and rural residents, marketization of service industry, creating a good environment for talent gathering, speeding up the process of urbanization and adjusting the internal structure of service industry.


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