发布时间:2018-02-28 20:14
本文关键词: 关系投资 研发服务企业 社会网络 市场化程度 出处:《大连理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着产业分工的不断细化,特别是技术进步对提升企业核心竞争力、提高企业盈利能力的作用日益突出,企业的研发活动逐渐从企业内部向外部发展,催生了以研发为主要收入来源的研发服务业的发展。从事研发服务的企业大多处于产业链上端,具有高附加值、强渗透性、高知识和技术密集型的特征,对下游产业具有强大的带动作用,所以加快发展我国的研发服务业对于扩大内需、吸纳就业、促进制造业产业结构优化升级具有重要意义。 研发服务业作为一种独立业态形式,在我国的发展才刚刚起步,所以其发展水平与发达国家之间还存在着很大的差距。同时,由于我国处在计划经济向市场经济转轨的特殊时期,相关的法律法规尚不健全,要素市场尚不完善,使得研发服务企业在获取资源方面高度依赖关系网络,从而导致企业投入大量的时间和金钱在关系投资上,而不是创新等常规的经营活动中。对于单个企业来说,有效利用社会网络可能会提高自身的盈利能力,但这种关系投资并不一定会带来整个社会福利的增加,反而会造成资源的浪费。 本文从研发服务业的特点及中国转型经济背景出发,深入剖析了研发服务企业进行关系投资的驱动因素及表现方式,系统分析了关系投资在提高市场份额、获取商业信息、获取生产资源三方面对企业利润的影响机理。进一步地,本文构建了理论模型来探究关系投资对企业利润的影响作用以及制约条件,并利用我国30个省份(除内蒙古自治区)75827家研发服务企业在2008年的横截面数据进行了实证检验。结果表明,关系投资与我国研发服务企业的利润率之间存在显著的正相关关系,然而,研发服务企业所处地区的市场化程度越高,关系投资对企业利润的正向促进作用反而越弱。最后,本文提出了一系列促进我国研发服务业可持续、健康发展的政策建议。
[Abstract]:With the continuous refinement of the industrial division of labor, especially the role of technological progress in promoting the core competitiveness of enterprises and improving the profitability of enterprises, the R & D activities of enterprises are gradually developing from the inside to the outside. Most of the enterprises engaged in R & D services are at the top of the industrial chain, with high value-added, strong permeability, high knowledge and technology-intensive characteristics. It is of great significance to accelerate the development of R & D service industry in China to expand domestic demand, absorb employment and promote the optimization and upgrading of manufacturing industry structure. As an independent form of business, R & D service industry has just started its development in China, so there is still a big gap between its level of development and that of developed countries. At the same time, In the special period of transition from planned economy to market economy, the relevant laws and regulations are not perfect, and the factor market is not perfect, which makes R & D service enterprises highly dependent on relational network in obtaining resources. As a result, companies invest a lot of time and money in relational investments, rather than in conventional business activities such as innovation. For individual enterprises, the effective use of social networks may improve their profitability. However, this investment will not necessarily lead to an increase in social welfare as a whole, but a waste of resources. Based on the characteristics of R & D service industry and the background of China's transition economy, this paper deeply analyzes the driving factors and performance modes of R & D service enterprises' relationship investment, and systematically analyzes the relationship investment in increasing market share and obtaining business information. Further, this paper constructs a theoretical model to explore the impact of relational investment on corporate profits and constraints. Using cross-sectional data from 30 provinces in China (excluding Inner Mongolia Autonomous region) in 2008, the results show that there is a significant positive correlation between relational investment and the profit margin of R & D service enterprises in China. However, the higher the degree of marketization of R & D service enterprises is, the weaker the positive promotion effect of relational investment on enterprise profits is. Finally, this paper puts forward a series of policy suggestions to promote the sustainable and healthy development of R & D service industry in China.
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