本文选题:酒店 切入点:工作满意度 出处:《湖南师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:改革开放以来,我国的旅游业得到了飞速的发展。在中国旅游业高速发展的背景下,酒店业之间的竞争也日益激烈。酒店业的竞争,归根到底是人才的竞争。然而,在员工争夺愈来愈激烈的当今社会,酒店业的发展却面临着另一个难题,那就是酒店员工频繁流失的现象日益严重,酒店员工的高流失率问题已经成为制约我国酒店业发展的瓶颈。 酒店业作为服务性行业,其服务的实现主要是依靠酒店的员工与顾客之间直接面对面接触。酒店的服务质量在很大程度上取决于员工的服务质量,可以说优秀的员工是酒店保持竞争优势的主要源泉。如何留住优秀的员工,如何使酒店的员工流失率维持在一个合理的水平,如何提高员工的工作满意度,这些都是酒店的经营管理者应该深入关注与思考的问题。 本文通过对湖南省株洲市五家高星级酒店的员工发放300份调查问卷,调查了工作满意度与酒店员工流失的关系。利用SPSS17.0软件对数据进行信度分析、描述性统计分析、因子分析、方差分析、相关分析和回归分析,得到以下研究结论: (1)酒店员工的工作满意程度表现为一般。员工对工作环境感到最为满意,对薪酬福利感到最不满意,而对于工作协作、职业发展和工作本身的满意程度也不高。 (2)酒店员工的个人基本情况与工作满意度、流失意图及流失倾向表现出显著的相关性,个人基本情况不同的员工的工作满意度存在着差异。 (3)酒店员工的工作满意度与流失意图、流失倾向之间表现出显著的负相关性,酒店员工的工作满意度能够显著负向预测酒店员工的流失。 (4)酒店员工的流失意图与流失倾向之间表现出显著的正相关性,酒店员工的流失意图能够显著正向预测其流失倾向。 (5)在工作满意度与流失倾向的关系中,酒店员工的流失意图在一定程度上起着部分中介作用。 针对以上研究结论,本文还对酒店经营管理者提出了相关建议。在文章的最后,笔者还指出了本研究所存在的不足之处以及对未来进一步研究方向的展望。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, the tourism industry of our country has been developing rapidly. Under the background of the rapid development of China's tourism industry, the competition among the hotel industry is also increasingly fierce. The competition of the hotel industry, in the final analysis, is the competition of talents. In an increasingly competitive society, the hotel industry is facing another problem, that is, the frequent loss of hotel staff is becoming more and more serious. The high turnover rate of hotel staff has become the bottleneck restricting the development of hotel industry in China. Hotel industry as a service industry, the realization of its service mainly depends on the direct face-to-face contact between the hotel staff and customers. The service quality of the hotel depends on the service quality of the staff to a great extent. It can be said that excellent staff is the main source of the hotel's competitive advantage. How to retain excellent staff, how to keep the staff turnover rate at a reasonable level, how to improve the employee's job satisfaction, These are the hotel managers should pay close attention to and think about the problem. This paper investigates the relationship between job satisfaction and hotel staff turnover by issuing 300 questionnaires to the staff of five high star hotels in Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province. The reliability of the data is analyzed by using SPSS17.0 software, and the descriptive statistical analysis is carried out. Factor analysis, variance analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis show the following conclusions:. 1) the degree of job satisfaction of hotel staff is general. The employees are the most satisfied with the working environment, the most dissatisfied with the salary and welfare, and the degree of satisfaction with the work cooperation, career development and the job itself is not high. 2) the individual basic situation of hotel staff is significantly correlated with job satisfaction, loss intention and turnover tendency, and there are differences in job satisfaction among employees with different individual basic conditions. 3) there is a significant negative correlation between job satisfaction and turnover intention and turnover tendency of hotel staff. The job satisfaction degree of hotel staff can predict the loss of hotel staff significantly. 4) there is a significant positive correlation between the loss intention and the turnover tendency of hotel staff, and the loss intention of hotel staff can predict the loss tendency significantly. 5) in the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover tendency, the turnover intention of hotel staff plays an intermediary role to some extent. At the end of the paper, the author points out the shortcomings of the research and the prospect of the future research direction.
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