本文选题:战略管理 切入点:文化创意 出处:《燕山大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:在文化创意产业如火如荼发展,诸多企业涌入并争夺市场份额的背景环境下,东海文化创意有限公司为实现稳定快速发展并取得龙头地位,就必须找到一种适合自己的发展模式。 本文研究的主要目的是在对东海文化创意有限公司进行内外部环境分析的基础上,为其发展提出合理化建议,以保障公司在秦皇岛市的优势地位和良好的发展势头。针对研究的特点,本文采用了PEST分析法、波特的五力模型、价值链分析法、层次分析法、SWOT相关性分析法、定量战略计划矩阵等多种定量与定性结合的研究方法。 首先,对国内外文化创意产业的发展现状进行概括性的阐述研究,在对英国、美国、日本的文化创意产业进行多方面研究的基础上,总结其优秀发展经验,同时通过对北京、上海、台湾的产业研究,找出我国产业发展中存在的主要问题,为下文的战略制定提供参考。 其次,,对东海文化创意有限公司的内外部环境进行系统综合的分析,总结对公司发展起主要作用的环境状态指标,得出公司可以把握的机会和应规避的威胁,通过对公司核心竞争力的分析,找出公司自身的优势和不足。 再次,根据环境状态指标,对公司进行SWOT相关性量化分析,从量化的角度透析影响公司发展的各项指标。 最后,针对公司的实际情况和发展特点,提出与之相适应的战略方案,并制定了战略实施对策,为公司发展提供参考。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of cultural and creative industries and the influx of many enterprises to compete for market share, Donghai Cultural and Creative Co., Ltd. has gained a leading position in order to achieve stable and rapid development. We must find a development model suitable for ourselves. The main purpose of this paper is to make rational suggestions for the development of Donghai Culture and creativity Co., Ltd., based on the analysis of its internal and external environment. In order to ensure the superior position and good development momentum of the company in Qinhuangdao, this paper adopts PEST analysis, Porter's five-force model, value chain analysis, analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to analyze the correlation of SWOT, according to the characteristics of the research. Quantitative strategic planning matrix and other quantitative and qualitative research methods. First of all, the development of cultural and creative industries at home and abroad for a general study, on the basis of the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan's cultural and creative industries on the basis of a variety of research, summed up its excellent development experience, at the same time through the Beijing, The industrial research in Shanghai and Taiwan finds out the main problems in the industrial development of our country and provides a reference for the following strategic formulation. Secondly, the internal and external environment of Donghai Culture and creativity Co., Ltd. is systematically analyzed, and the environmental state indicators that play a major role in the development of the company are summarized, and the opportunities that the company can grasp and the threats that should be avoided are obtained. Through the analysis of the core competence of the company, find out the advantages and disadvantages of the company itself. Thirdly, according to the environmental state index, the quantitative analysis of the SWOT correlation of the company, from the perspective of quantitative analysis of the impact on the company's development of the various indicators. Finally, according to the actual situation and development characteristics of the company, the paper puts forward the corresponding strategic plan, and formulates the strategy implementation countermeasures to provide the reference for the development of the company.
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