本文选题:供应链协调 切入点:讨价还价 出处:《上海交通大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:服务型制造成为未来制造业发展的必然趋势,一部分服务型制造企业转型成为提供给客户产品服务系统的销售商,并凭借其综合实力主导供应链。客户通过参与和体验能直接感受到销售商提供的服务,它们的消费效用随销售商服务努力的变动而变动,,因此销售商面临着是依赖于服务努力的需求。本文以销售商为决策人,针对需求依赖服务努力的供应链系统,在确定性需求和随机需求情况下,分别设计了成本分担的共享合同和期权合同。 供应链契约是一种有效协调供应链的方式。供应链契约协调研究的文献中,大多认为契约参数只要满足合作博弈的要求,就能够有效激励供应链成员合作,这似乎预示着协调的供应链只有合作而没有谈判。但事实上,任何供应链的合作都建立在谈判的基础上。本文充分认识到了供应链谈判的存在,将供应链协调过程分成两个阶段进行考虑:合作阶段和谈判阶段。真实的协调过程是先谈判后合作,本文在逻辑上采用逆序分析,即先假设双方能够合作,求证合作条件和分析谈判空间;然后分析双方谈判过程。 本文得出的结论主要有: (1)对于需求依赖服务努力的供应链系统,四类经典契约无法有效协调供应链。 (2)在确定性需求下,通过有效设计成本分担的共享合同,可以使销售商和生产商达到合作提供产品服务系统。共享比例存在一个有效谈判空间,依据于相对议价能力,供应链成员进行谈判,双方谈判存在唯一均衡解。 (3)在随机需求下,通过有效设计成本分担的期权合同,可以使供应链系统协调。期权合同中期权价格和期权执行价格都与成本分享比例成线性关系,成本分享比例存在一个有效的谈判空间。通过分析供应链成员的风险偏好和相对议价能力,能够唯一确定双方的谈判均衡解。
[Abstract]:Service-oriented manufacturing has become an inevitable trend in the future development of manufacturing, and some service-oriented manufacturing enterprises have transformed into vendors providing customer product service systems. Through participation and experience, customers can directly feel the service provided by the seller. Their consumption utility changes with the change of the seller's service effort. Therefore, the vendor is facing the demand that depends on the service effort. This paper takes the vendor as the decision maker, aiming at the supply chain system which depends on the service effort, in the case of deterministic demand and random demand, The cost sharing contract and option contract are designed respectively. Supply chain contract is an effective way to coordinate supply chain. In the literature of supply chain contract coordination, it is believed that contract parameters can effectively motivate supply chain members to cooperate as long as they meet the requirements of cooperative game. This seems to indicate that there is only cooperation and no negotiation in a coordinated supply chain. But in fact, the cooperation of any supply chain is based on negotiation. This paper fully recognizes the existence of supply chain negotiation. The process of supply chain coordination is divided into two stages: cooperation stage and negotiation stage. Verify the terms of cooperation and analyze the negotiation space; then analyze the negotiation process between the two sides. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows:. For supply chain systems where demand depends on service effort, the four classical contracts can not effectively coordinate the supply chain. 2) under deterministic demand, through the effective design of a shared contract for cost sharing, vendors and producers can cooperate to provide a system of product services. There is an effective bargaining space for the sharing ratio, based on relative bargaining power. Supply chain members negotiate, and there is a unique equilibrium solution between the two parties. 3) under random demand, the supply chain system can be coordinated by the effective design of the cost sharing option contract, in which the option price and the option execution price are linearly proportional to the cost sharing. By analyzing the risk preference and relative bargaining ability of supply chain members, we can only determine the equilibrium solution of negotiation.
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