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发布时间:2018-06-29 16:20

  本文选题:外商直接投资 + 服务业 ; 参考:《河北经贸大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着经济全球化的发展和我国服务业对外开放程度的不断提高,外商直接投资(Foreign Direct Investment,简称FDI)已经由制造业逐渐转向服务业,服务业FDI规模呈逐年上升趋势,外资的流入有力地促进了我国服务业的发展,在一些经济发展水平较高的东部城市逐渐形成了专业化水平较高的服务业集聚区,这些集聚区的企业群可以为全球客户提供全面、系统的专业化服务,这就大大提升了我国服务业的国际竞争力。 虽然我国服务业FDI流入逐年增加,服务业集聚区也有了较快的发展,但服务业集聚结构较差,行业间集聚差异大、行业内集聚程度低和区域集聚程度差别大的问题依然存在。一般情况下,FDI流入东道国某一产业或某一行业时,会吸引其上下游相关企业从外地转移到当地或在当地开立子公司,从而提高区域内的产业集聚水平;外资流入服务业可以提高我国服务业集聚区的行业竞争力,推进行业内集聚的规模经济效应,促进区域间服务业集聚发展。因此,从动态角度来讲,一定条件下,外商直接投资会在一定程度上促进服务业集聚的形成与发展,外资带来了资本要素集聚、扩大了产业集聚的规模、促进了专业化分工并且提高了劳动者素质,进而可以影响不同行业集聚水平、提高行业内集聚程度并影响不同地区服务业集聚水平。合理利用外资可以优化我国服务业集聚结构,FDI促进服务业集聚结构优化的同时,也提升了我国服务业的国际竞争力,促进了经济增长。 本文还运用格兰杰因果模型检验了FDI对我国服务业集聚结构存在影响,通过对我国服务业外商直接投资总量与服务业各行业、各地区集聚程度两个变量的协整分析、误差修正模型检验和格兰杰因果检验可知:外商直接投资与服务业各行业、各地区集聚之间存在着一定的相关性,且外商直接投资是服务业集聚的格兰杰原因,它对服务业集聚程度的提高有一定的积极作用,同时也对服务业集聚结构有一定的影响。 最后,外商直接投资对我国服务业集聚结构的影响给我们的启示是:通过优化引资策略,扩大行业内外资引进规模,引导外资流向知识密集型和社会性服务业,支持不同地区吸引外资发展地区特色服务业,最终达到优化我国服务业集聚结构的目的。
[Abstract]:With the development of economic globalization and the continuous improvement of China's service industry opening to the outside world, foreign direct investment (FDI) has gradually shifted from the manufacturing industry to the service industry, and the scale of FDI in the service industry has been increasing year by year. The inflow of foreign capital has promoted the development of the service industry in China. In some eastern cities with higher economic development level, the service industry agglomeration areas with higher specialization level have been gradually formed, and the enterprise clusters in these agglomeration areas can provide global customers with comprehensive services. The system specialized service, this enhanced our country service industry the international competition ability greatly. Although FDI inflow into our service industry has increased year by year, the service industry agglomeration area has also developed rapidly, but the service industry agglomeration structure is poor, the industry agglomeration difference is big, the industry agglomeration degree is low and the regional agglomeration degree difference is big problems still exist. In general, when FDI flows into a certain industry or industry of the host country, it will attract the upstream and downstream enterprises to transfer from the field to the local or set up subsidiaries in order to improve the level of industrial agglomeration in the region. The inflow of foreign capital into the service industry can improve the industry competitiveness of the service agglomeration area in China, promote the scale economy effect of the industry agglomeration, and promote the inter-regional service industry agglomeration development. Therefore, from a dynamic point of view, under certain conditions, foreign direct investment will to a certain extent promote the formation and development of service industry agglomeration. Foreign capital brings capital elements agglomeration and expands the scale of industrial agglomeration. It promotes the specialization of labor division and improves the quality of the laborer, which can influence the agglomeration level of different industries, improve the degree of agglomeration within the industry and affect the agglomeration level of service industry in different regions. The rational utilization of foreign capital can optimize the agglomeration structure of China's service industry. FDI promotes the optimization of the service agglomeration structure, at the same time, it also promotes the international competitiveness of China's service industry and promotes the economic growth. This paper also uses Granger causality model to test the influence of FDI on the agglomeration structure of China's service industry, and through the cointegration analysis of two variables, the total FDI of service industry and the degree of regional agglomeration. Error correction model test and Granger causality test show that there is a certain correlation between FDI and service industries, and FDI is the Granger cause of service agglomeration. It has positive effect on the agglomeration degree of service industry and also has certain influence on the agglomeration structure of service industry. Finally, the influence of foreign direct investment on the agglomeration structure of service industry in China gives us enlightenment: by optimizing the strategy of attracting foreign investment, expanding the scale of foreign capital introduction in the industry, guiding foreign capital to flow to knowledge-intensive and social service industry. In order to optimize the agglomeration structure of service industry in China, we should support different regions to attract foreign capital to develop regional characteristic service industry.


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