本文选题:GZ宾馆 + 发展战略 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:当前世界的经济政治总趋势正处于复杂多变、动荡不安的时期。美国的金融风暴席卷全球,欧债危机肆虐,整个世界经济一蹶不振,恐慌和衰退气氛蔓延,受其影响,国内出口受阻,内需不足,物价上涨,通胀压力巨大,而作为经济睛雨表的的酒店行业面临更加具大的压力和挑战。 随着全球经济一体化,世界知名的酒店管理集团如雅高集团、香格里拉国际酒店管理集团、假日酒店集团、喜来登、万豪、希尔顿等国外著名的酒店集团相继陆广州酒店业。加剧广州酒店业竞争的激烈程度,而作为岭南集团旗下的广州GZ宾馆,过去曾有过因战略决策错误导致财务负担沉重、人力资源匮乏等种种问题。要解决历史包袱,应对目前激烈的市场竞争,无论从过去教训亦或是从酒店同业成功经验看,如何正确制定科学有效的发展战略与战略实施方案,促进企业科学、持续、健康的发展,为酒店经营的不二法则,也是酒店的必然选择。 本论文试对广州GZ宾馆从发展战略角度并结合其目前实际情况,通过回顾该宾馆45年潮起潮落的发展历史及积累的宝贵经验,,结合当今国际和中国酒店业的发展和趋势,深入剖析该宾馆的发展状况和存在的问题,在对经典战略管理理论发展研究的基础上,运用PEST分析、五力模型分析、SWOT分析等战略分析工具,全面、系统地对广州GZ宾馆的内外战略环境、自身的优势、劣势、机会与威协等内外资源及能力特点进行认真的分析研究,在准确打造企业核心竟争力的基础上,构建适合企业的发展战略和实施发展战略具体措施,力图为该酒店创造新的“蓝海”机遇。 市场的竟争经验告诉我们,面对更加激烈的市场竟争新格局,广州GZ宾馆要想突围而,实现企业做大做强的发展目标,重新赢得竟争优势,企业必须要有自身的核心竟争力,构建新的商业模式和盈利模式,加速迈向酒店集团化、品牌化、专业化的发展之路,实现新的跨越。同时也为老的国有企业重新转营,实现“老树发新枝”,打造长盛不衰的百年酒店业经典树立榜样和积累可借鉴的经验及可复制的模式。
[Abstract]:The current general economic and political trend of the world is in a complex and volatile period. The financial turmoil in the United States has swept the world, the European debt crisis has ravaged the whole world economy, and the atmosphere of panic and recession has spread. Affected by it, domestic exports are blocked, domestic demand is insufficient, prices are rising, and the pressure of inflation is enormous. The hotel industry, as an economic watch, is facing greater pressure and challenges. With the global economic integration, world-renowned hotel management groups such as Accor Group, Shangri-La International Hotel Management Group, Holiday Inn Group, Sheraton, Marriott, Hilton and other foreign famous hotels in Guangzhou Hotel Industry. In the past, GZ Hotel, owned by Lingnan Group, had many problems such as heavy financial burden and lack of human resources due to strategic decision errors. In order to solve the historical burden and cope with the current fierce market competition, whether from the past lessons or from the successful experience of the hotel industry, how to correctly formulate a scientific and effective development strategy and strategy implementation plan to promote enterprise science and sustainable, Healthy development, for the hotel management of the law, but also the inevitable choice of hotels. This paper tries to review the development history and accumulated valuable experience of GZ Hotel in Guangzhou from the perspective of development strategy and its actual situation, combining with the development and trend of international and Chinese hotel industry. On the basis of the research on the development of the classical strategic management theory, and the use of pest analysis, five-force model analysis, SWOT analysis and other strategic analysis tools, The internal and external strategic environment of GZ Hotel in Guangzhou, its own advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, and the characteristics of its internal and external resources and capabilities are systematically analyzed and studied, so as to accurately build the core competitive power of the enterprise. In order to create a new "blue sea" opportunity for the hotel, it is necessary to construct a development strategy suitable for the enterprise and implement the specific measures of the development strategy. The experience of market competition tells us that in the face of a more intense market competition new pattern, GZ Hotel in Guangzhou wants to break through, realize the development goal of bigger and stronger enterprises, and win the competitive advantage again, the enterprise must have its own core competitive power. Build new business model and profit model, accelerate towards hotel collectivization, brand, professional development road, realize new leapfrogging. At the same time, it also recamps the old state-owned enterprises, realizes the "old trees develop new branches", and sets an example, accumulates the experience and the replicable model of the hotel industry for a long and prosperous century.
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