[Abstract]:On the one hand, the cost of food and accommodation for domestic service constitutes the expenses of the employer, on the other hand, it also constitutes a part of the total remuneration of domestic workers directly or indirectly. As far as procedural fairness is concerned, domestic workers and employers shall be permitted to provide for accommodation and board in the contract, and it is prohibited for the employer to deduct from the wages of domestic workers without prior agreement. Legislation should establish an obligation to board and lodging without prior agreement, as if the employer agrees to provide free accommodation. As far as substantive justice is concerned, legislation should provide that, after deducting 30 per cent of the cost of accommodation, domestic workers are paid no less than the local minimum wage.
【作者单位】: 西南政法大学经济法学院;武汉大学法学院博士后流动站;
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