[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy, the development and construction of domestic theme parks have entered a period of rapid development in recent years. However, due to the lack of industry leadership standards and norms in the field of domestic theme parks, the theoretical construction of the theoretical system is also very few, and the development and construction of local theme parks is faced with the severe reality of the lack of systematic theoretical guidance. In the process of construction and development of many theme park projects, there are many problems or even the closing down. MYC theme park project development also faces severe challenges. How to help the MYC theme park project scientific and healthy development is the focus of this paper. In this paper, the MYC theme park project development as a research object, the theme park industry development status and industry trends in-depth study. Based on the macro environment of MYC theme park development and its present situation, this paper analyzes the advantages, disadvantages, development opportunities and competitive threats faced by MYC theme park project development. At present, the development of leisure tourism in our country is in the era of consumer choice differentiation. Tourists' demand for entertainment products is becoming more and more diversified, and the improvement of service level and the quality of entertainment facilities are becoming more and more demanding. From the point of view of consumer demand, this paper scientifically develops and designs the core tourism products and auxiliary tourism products of MYC theme park project in order to meet the needs of consumers. In this paper, the market segmentation of MYC theme park project is carried out through geographical factors, tourist travel motivation and consumer psychological factors, and the scientific market positioning of MYC theme park is carried out and the reasonable target market is selected. At the same time, this paper puts forward effective guidance suggestions on MYC theme park project marketing from the aspects of product, price, channel, promotion and so on, which will help MYC theme park project to establish the superiority in the process of marketing. This paper explains the practical significance and importance of scientific project development to the development of MYC theme park project. The MYC theme park project should seize the opportunity of the times, scientifically position itself and develop its own characteristic products. To meet the needs of the market and strengthen the marketing strategy to achieve the project's sustainable development and expected investment benefits.
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