[Abstract]:Under the background of the world economy entering the era of service economy, the service industry has more and more far-reaching influence on the economy and has become an important indicator to measure the economic development of a country or region. On the basis of describing the general situation of the service industry in Yunnan Province, the paper concludes that the service industry of Yunnan Province is in the primary stage of development, and the level of development is low, based on the grey relational analysis of the whole service industry in the internal industry. Lagging behind the national average, the influence of the traditional service industry on the service industry is dominant, while the driving effect of the modern service industry on the economy is not significant. In order to tap the potential of modern service industry to promote economic development, the traditional service industry and modern service industry in Yunnan Province need to be reformed and upgraded to improve the efficiency of industrial operation in the light of the development of traditional service industry and modern service industry in Yunnan Province. The development of modern service industries and the cultivation of emerging advantage industries as the focus. In addition, according to Yunnan's own development and the development trend of modern service industry, it is necessary to increase policy support for modern service industry and actively introduce talents and advanced technology.
【作者单位】: 云南大学;
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