[Abstract]:With the development of global international trade in services, the transfer of resources and elements in international trade in services, as well as the flow of international capital, will play an important role in promoting the development of a country's economy and services, and to what extent is this role? Through what channels and mechanisms to promote the development of service industry? What is the long-term relationship between the two? Based on these problems, first of all, based on the study of a large number of relevant literature, this paper uses the relevant theories of international trade in services and industrial economics to explain the correlation between international trade in services and services. This paper analyzes and summarizes the function mechanism of international service trade in promoting the development of service industry, that is, international service trade promotes the rapid development of service industry by promoting the accumulation of capital elements and technological progress of service industry. Then, this paper further examines the correlation between the two through empirical analysis. This paper is based on the empirical analysis of Zhejiang Province from 1995 to 2009, empirical analysis is divided into two parts. The first part is to test whether international service trade can promote the development of Zhejiang service industry. The second part, based on the empirical results in the first part, introduces the three elements of service material capital, human capital and technological progress to test the capital accumulation and technological progress effect of international service trade to promote the development of service industry. Through theoretical and empirical analysis, this paper can draw the following conclusions: 1. International trade in services and services are closely related, there is a mutually reinforcing relationship between the two. International trade in services promotes the development of service industry through three ways, that is, by promoting the accumulation of capital elements and technological progress in the service industry, on the one hand, it promotes the change of comparative advantage within the service industry, on the other hand, it promotes the optimization of the internal resources of the service industry. Thus promoting the rapid development of the service industry. 2. Through empirical analysis, it is found that cross-border service trade plays a role in the service industry through the accumulation of material capital and human capital, while FDI in the service industry is mainly through the accumulation of material capital in the service industry. The accumulation of human capital and the effect of technological progress act on the development of service industry. Finally, based on the theoretical analysis and empirical test results, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the development of international service trade and service industry in Zhejiang Province, which is intended to provide a reference for the further development of international service trade in Zhejiang Province.
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