[Abstract]:The development of spatial scale is a process of subjective and objective unification of human being's exploration of space. Although there are many methods, they will come down to the fundamental point of "being human" and measure the objective world. Space, as the objective existence of being recognized, comes into being through subjective evaluation of human beings, that is to say, with the help of individual perception, combined with social growth experience, space distance, size, weight and weight can be obtained. Proportion and other attributes make the judgment standard of visual perception, when reaching the state of personal best feeling, the author calls it the scale of human enjoyment. However, there are many different forms of the carrier of human space. The author takes The Business Inn space as the limited material scale as the carrying medium of human body scale, and carries on the spatial scale research around eating, dressing, living, traveling, entertainment and so on. With the improvement of people's living standard, people's desire to pursue material and spiritual enjoyment is increasing. People should not only have basic functions and supporting facilities such as accommodation, leisure and entertainment activities, but also have distinct regional characteristics. Full of rich historical and cultural connotation of the space environment. Only in this way can we create a new scale in accordance with the development of The Business Inn space under the pressure of pluralistic social competition. In the dual demand of material and spirit, The Business Inn as a new type of hotel functional space emerged. With the development of the industrial revolution and the arrival of the information age, people's business and economic exchanges become more and more frequent. Urban The Business Inn, as an important form of hotel industry, plays an important role in it. This requires that our design practitioners should seriously study and analyze the object. The research object of this paper is the spatial scale of The Business Inn. Starting with the subjective and objective spatial requirements, the spatial scale is continuously innovatively understood, so that the functional objective scale and the human enjoyment scale can be better combined. In order to make individual expression of innovative scale design, and with the progress of the times, planning the effective scale of management society. First of all, this paper introduces the significance of the topic, domestic and foreign research status and research content and objectives. Secondly, from the emergence and development of The Business Inn to the concept and type of The Business Inn, the paper discusses the composition and characteristics of hotel space and the influence of the background of different regional culture on the orientation of commercial hotel. This paper discusses the function of The Business Inn space by studying the psychology of human behavior and activity in The Business Inn space, and better embodies the culture of business theme and improves the quality of The Business Inn in the design research. In the end, this paper explores the design method of The Business Inn space from the point of view of spatial scale design, and studies the advantages and disadvantages of domestic The Business Inn space and its inspiration to the future The Business Inn design. Thinking about how to position The Business Inn and how to create the theme cultural atmosphere, and finally achieve the purpose of enhancing the commercial and cultural value of The Business Inn.
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