发布时间:2018-08-19 10:28
【摘要】:20世纪70年代以来,企业之间的竞争逐步演变成为对交易成本的竞争,于是在制造业企业内部伴随着“服务外包”剥离出来的生产性服务业得到了迅速发展。生产性服务业与装备制造业之间具有良好的互动基础,山西省在十二五规划当中明确指出了:深入贯彻落实科学发展观,建设节约型社会,充分利用高新技术为代表的生产性服务业改造和提升山西省的产业结构。做大做强装备制造业,使山西省的装备制造业沿着系统化、成套化、高端化的方向发展。 由于生产性服务业“生之于”装备制造业,两者之间必然有千丝万缕的联系,它们的关系也就引起了国内外学者广泛的关注。本文根据生产性服务业的内涵、外延及特征,,结合国内外学者已有的分类,对生产性服务业的分类进行了界定,并在相关文献综述的基础上对山西省生产性服务业和装备制造业的发展现状进行了描述,然后运用了投入产出和多元线性回归分析方法,对生产性服务业与装备制造业的互动关系进行了实证分析。 通过实证分析得出,山西省生产性服务业与装备制造业之间的良性互动发展还没有形成。科技密集型和知识密集型的生产性服务业对装备制造业的中间投入相对不足,影响了装备制造业竞争力的提升。装备制造业对生产性服务业中间需求不足进一步限制了生产性服务业的发展。目前山西省装备制造业的发展还是依托传统型生产性服务业的带动,科学研究事业融入到装备制造业的比重过低。根据生产性服务业与装备制造业在互动过程中存在的问题,提出了促进两者良性互动发展的对策与建议。
[Abstract]:Since the 1970s, the competition among enterprises has gradually evolved into the competition of transaction costs, so the producer service industry, which has been stripped out by "service outsourcing", has developed rapidly in the manufacturing enterprises. There is a good basis for interaction between producer service industry and equipment manufacturing industry. Shanxi Province clearly pointed out in the 12th Five-Year Plan: to implement the scientific development concept and build a conservation-oriented society. Make full use of high and new technology as representative of the transformation of producer services and upgrade the industrial structure of Shanxi Province. The equipment manufacturing industry in Shanxi Province has been developed in the direction of systematization, integration and high-end. Since producer services are "born" in equipment manufacturing, there must be inextricable links between the two, and their relationship has aroused widespread concern of scholars at home and abroad. According to the connotation, extension and characteristics of producer services, combined with the existing classification of domestic and foreign scholars, this paper defines the classification of producer services. On the basis of literature review, this paper describes the current situation of producer service industry and equipment manufacturing industry in Shanxi Province, and then applies input-output and multivariate linear regression analysis. The interactive relationship between producer service industry and equipment manufacturing industry is analyzed empirically. The positive analysis shows that the positive interaction between producer service industry and equipment manufacturing industry has not been formed in Shanxi Province. The technology-intensive and knowledge-intensive producer service industry has relatively insufficient intermediate input to the equipment manufacturing industry, which has affected the competitiveness of the equipment manufacturing industry. Insufficient intermediate demand for producer services in equipment manufacturing further limits the development of producer services. At present, the development of the equipment manufacturing industry in Shanxi Province is driven by the traditional producer service industry, and the proportion of scientific research into the equipment manufacturing industry is too low. According to the problems existing in the interactive process between producer service industry and equipment manufacturing industry, the countermeasures and suggestions to promote the positive interaction between them are put forward.
[Abstract]:Since the 1970s, the competition among enterprises has gradually evolved into the competition of transaction costs, so the producer service industry, which has been stripped out by "service outsourcing", has developed rapidly in the manufacturing enterprises. There is a good basis for interaction between producer service industry and equipment manufacturing industry. Shanxi Province clearly pointed out in the 12th Five-Year Plan: to implement the scientific development concept and build a conservation-oriented society. Make full use of high and new technology as representative of the transformation of producer services and upgrade the industrial structure of Shanxi Province. The equipment manufacturing industry in Shanxi Province has been developed in the direction of systematization, integration and high-end. Since producer services are "born" in equipment manufacturing, there must be inextricable links between the two, and their relationship has aroused widespread concern of scholars at home and abroad. According to the connotation, extension and characteristics of producer services, combined with the existing classification of domestic and foreign scholars, this paper defines the classification of producer services. On the basis of literature review, this paper describes the current situation of producer service industry and equipment manufacturing industry in Shanxi Province, and then applies input-output and multivariate linear regression analysis. The interactive relationship between producer service industry and equipment manufacturing industry is analyzed empirically. The positive analysis shows that the positive interaction between producer service industry and equipment manufacturing industry has not been formed in Shanxi Province. The technology-intensive and knowledge-intensive producer service industry has relatively insufficient intermediate input to the equipment manufacturing industry, which has affected the competitiveness of the equipment manufacturing industry. Insufficient intermediate demand for producer services in equipment manufacturing further limits the development of producer services. At present, the development of the equipment manufacturing industry in Shanxi Province is driven by the traditional producer service industry, and the proportion of scientific research into the equipment manufacturing industry is too low. According to the problems existing in the interactive process between producer service industry and equipment manufacturing industry, the countermeasures and suggestions to promote the positive interaction between them are put forward.
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