[Abstract]:Chinese catering industry is a vigorous and vital industry. Among them, teahouse industry is its rising star. Up to now, there are more than 55000 tea houses of various colors in the whole country, the annual output value is up to more than 35 billion yuan, which has become a new engine to stimulate the development of catering industry. Since its establishment in December 2013, Huazhilin, based on tea tasting, integrates the new Chinese style of decoration to create a comfortable and fashionable dining environment. The company includes all kinds of private house dishes, such as fine Shaanxi cuisine, traditional Hunan cuisine, refined Sichuan cuisine and Taiwan specialty dishes, etc. It promotes the development of new cuisine, leads the fashion pioneer of food industry, and is a model of combining classical tradition and new fashion flavor. The research idea of this paper is to investigate the industry status and market environment facing Xi'an Huazhilin Catering Co., Ltd., and to study the future strategic methods of the flower forest by using the relevant theory of strategic management. The main contents of this paper are: 1: 1, introduction 2, Overview of the strategic management theory. Through the description of the strategic management theory, the theoretical basis of the article is more coherent: 3, the internal and external environment analysis of Huazhilin Food and Beverage Co., Ltd. The content includes PEST analysis, five-force competition model analysis, to find out the existing problems of enterprises, including insufficient market positioning, lack of service consciousness, lack of brand awareness, lack of distinctive advantages, insufficient innovation ability. Lack of management personnel. 4. Make the development strategy of Huazhilin Catering Co., Ltd., recognize the existing problems, clarify the purpose and development goal of Huazhilin Catering Co., Ltd., through the chain strategy, brand strategy, cultural strategy, The innovation strategy, the talent strategy elaboration, makes it develop in all directions. 5, the strategy carries out the safeguard measure, from the enterprise core competition ability cultivation, the company system and the organization innovation, the human resources scientific management, the company performance management, Strategic implementation and control of several aspects to ensure the implementation of the strategy. Based on the theories of organizational behavior, strategic management and human resource management, this paper puts forward a series of perfect measures for the strategic development of Huazhilin Catering Co., Ltd., and establishes a complete set of strategic development plans.
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