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发布时间:2018-10-24 20:12
【摘要】:近年来,随着我国经济的高速发展,社区的基础设备建设不断完善,,医疗水平也不断提高,为居民的高质量的生活提供了有力的保障,而人口老龄化也会随之而来,并会引发一系列的社会问题,这已经引起了全球各个国家的重视。在我国,一方面由于计划生育的广泛实行,强有力的遏制了建国初期人口高速发展的态势,使人口自然增长率骤然下降。另一方面,由于经济和社会的飞速发展,使医疗条件有了明显的改善,使死亡率下降,致使老年人口也在逐年的积累增长。这些因素都使人口老龄化这一问题逐渐明显,并将日趋严重。加上计划生育时期导致的“4·2·1”家庭模式,都将养老问题推上了家庭和社会的突出矛盾之一。因此,怎样使养老服务模式满足日益增长的群众需求,具有十分重要的意义。 基于对上述问题的认识,本文以人口老龄化和社区养老相关理论为依据,通过对美国、日本、欧洲的丹麦、瑞典、英国等发达国家,亚洲的韩国、中国台湾、中国香港等地区的养老政策和模式,以及国内的养老现状的比较和分析,列出了养老服务存在的不足。由于天津市是全国人口老龄化较为严重的城市之一,有效的采取应对措施,是本课题着重思考的问题。于是,本课题以北辰区及普东街为例,调查分析了养老现状、运作模式及存在问题,并从政策层面、社会层面及市场层面三方面提出了推进天津市养老服务的对策和建议。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid economic development of our country, the infrastructure construction of the community has been continuously improved and the medical level has been continuously improved, which has provided a strong guarantee for the high quality of life of the residents, and the aging of the population will follow. And will cause a series of social problems, which has attracted the attention of all countries around the world. In our country, on the one hand, because of the widespread implementation of family planning, the rapid development of population in the early days of the people's Republic of China was strongly restrained, and the natural growth rate of population dropped suddenly. On the other hand, because of the rapid development of economy and society, the medical condition has been obviously improved, the mortality rate has decreased, and the elderly population has also accumulated and increased year by year. These factors make the problem of population aging more obvious, and will become more and more serious. In addition, the "421" family pattern during the family planning period has pushed the pension problem into one of the prominent contradictions between the family and the society. Therefore, how to make the pension service model meet the increasing needs of the masses, has a very important significance. Based on the understanding of the above problems, this paper, based on the theory of population aging and community old-age care, through the United States, Japan, Europe's Denmark, Sweden, the United Kingdom and other developed countries, Asia's South Korea, China's Taiwan, The pension policies and models in Hong Kong, China, and the comparison and analysis of the present situation of the aged in China list the shortcomings of the old-age service. As Tianjin is one of the cities with a serious aging population, it is an important problem to take effective measures. Therefore, taking Beichen District and Pudong Street as examples, this paper investigates and analyzes the present situation, operation mode and existing problems of the aged, and puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to promote the old-age service in Tianjin from the policy level, the social level and the market level.


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