[Abstract]:At present, the most important core competitiveness of hotel service industry lies in excellent service quality and service attitude. In order to achieve the strategic goal of the enterprise, no matter whether the star level is high or low, we need to make great efforts in this respect. As a result, more and more hotels are beginning to attach importance to the management of service personnel (including front room service personnel and room service staff). One of the most important content is the performance management of service personnel. The most important problem of L hotel is how to establish a set of effective performance evaluation index system suitable for the enterprise. This research uses the project management theory, the human resources management theory, the performance management theory and so on, uses the interview method and the questionnaire investigation method to analyze the L hotel service personnel performance management present situation and the existence question. This paper puts forward a new scheme of performance management system for service personnel. The full text is divided into four parts. First of all, the whole research situation and the corresponding theoretical knowledge of performance management are expounded, and the technical route, research methods and research contents of this paper are explained. Secondly, the paper analyzes the implementation status of L hotel service personnel performance management, and points out six problems. Then, in order to solve these problems, we use the method of work analysis and expert evaluation to determine the performance evaluation index of service personnel. Then, we use AHP to give the weight of the index, so as to construct the performance evaluation index system of L hotel service personnel. Put forward and implement the new performance management scheme, and apply the results of performance appraisal to the payment of monthly salary and annual bonus, salary grade evaluation, promotion, training and so on. Finally, using questionnaire, interview and comparative analysis method to verify the effectiveness of this study, to evaluate the implementation of the new performance management scheme of L hotel service personnel, summed up six advantages, five deficiencies and four suggestions for improvement. It is expected that this study will be helpful and useful for L hotel and similar small and medium-sized enterprises to construct a set of scientific and effective performance evaluation index system for service personnel.
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