[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's national economy has achieved rapid development, people's living standards have been greatly improved, family cars have entered thousands of households. Not only in cities, but also in the vast majority of rural cars in China. Especially in recent years, we have changed from "bicycle kingdom" to "automobile kingdom". The rapid growth of vehicle ownership has spawned the rise and prosperity of motor vehicle driver training industry. In recent years, China's driving schools have sprung up like bamboo shoots, from rare to scattered. The competition of driving school is increasingly fierce. In order to stand out in the fierce market competition, we must take the initiative to change and innovate the development mode and carry out the great adjustment of the development strategy. Taking safe driving School in Daming County as the prototype, this paper summarizes and reflects on the development of driving School, and makes a scientific plan and demonstration for the future. It points out the direction of the development of driving school in the future from the angle of strategic management. It also expounds the hot direct examination at present, analyzes its advantages and disadvantages, and gives a clear explanation to the cadets. In this paper, the internal and external environment of safe driving school is analyzed, and the most simple and clear SWOT analysis theory is used to analyze the safe driving school. At the same time, it points out some problems existing in safe driving school and puts forward some corresponding measures to solve the problems. Take the modern strategic management theory as the guidance, carries on the new management mode discussion. Through the analysis of the resources and abilities of driving school, the strategic orientation and strategic choice of driving school development are clearly defined, and the deficiencies and improvement measures are found. It is to "jump out of the driving school to see the driving school", and put forward the corresponding strategic implementation measures according to their own development strategy. Hope to take this as an opportunity for safe driving school to achieve leapfrogging development to provide some reference and reference.
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