With the rapid development of China’s market economy, more and more investors participate in the stock market, which they hope to share the fruits of economic growth through equity investment. But the stock market is a complex market, it is not only affected by domestic economic political and psychological factors, but also affected by international economic and political factors,at the same time these factors often affect each other. So through detailed analysis the stock market to establishment a stable and relatively accurate stock prediction model has important practical value for investors especially for small investors.In this paper, we use the Shanghai Composite Index as a representative of the stock market in China, using macroeconomic indicators and artificial intelligence methods to predict the trend of SZZS. The SZZS sample were mainly choose from samples that after the split share structure reform and the Macroeconomic variables selected monthly data. In this paper, two artificial intelligence methods mainly used are neural networks and support vector machine. In the neural network, BP neural network is one of the most widely used neural networks, it has good fitting ability and fault tolerance, although BP neural network has many advantage, it also has its own limitations, as local minimize.So in this paper, we use Bayesian regulation algorithms and early stopping methods to improve the generalization ability of BP neural network. After propose the improved BP neural network model, we then use the improved BP neural network and support vector machine to predict the SZZS and make a compare the results of two methods. The paper is organized as follows:Chapter one is the introduction section, mainly introduces the article background, significance, and research methods.Chapter two is the macroeconomic and stock market forecast, in this part, we first introduce the macroeconomic indicators, these indicators also will be used is in the after text.Then introduced the three methods currently used in the stock market prediction, the traditional method, the method of time series and artificial intelligence. The first method is more widely used in practice; the latter two methods are more used in theoretical research. Finally, introduce the relationship between macroeconomic and stock market, and research situation in domestic and foreign country.Chapter three mainly introduces neural network.First we introduce the theory of the Neural Network and their characteristics and classification. Then we focus on the BP neural network learning algorithm and point out that standard BP neural network convergence was slow, and the accuracy is not high. Then we use the Bayesian regularization algorithm combine with early-stopping algorithm to improve the standard BP neural network.Chapter four is about the support vector machine, this part start from the research status of the support vector machine, and then explains the structure risk minimization is better than empirical risk minimization through comparison between statistical learning theory and machine learning. After this we introduce the theory of support vector machine which based on statistical learning theory. At the end several kernel functions are introduced brieflyChapter five is the empirical research, on the basis of the foregoing theory, we use the proposed improved BP neural network and support vector machine to predict the monthly closing price on the SZZS.Through the Empirical research on the SZZS forecast, we draw the following conclusions:First, the most important part in BP neural network designing is choosing the number of the neurons in hidden layer, in this paper, we first choose the minimum and maximum number of the neurons in hidden layer, then we try every condition between minimum and maximum and calculate the error of the network output, at the end we select the network that have minimum error as our model.Second, although Bayesian regularization algorithm can improve the network generalization ability, we found that when training network, too much of training to the BP neural network that used Bayesian regularization algorithm may make the network too strong to have enough generalization ability.Third, through empirical research,we found that the method that using the Bayesian regularization algorithm combine with the early stopping algorithm can effectively prevent over fitting that appear in BP neural network separately using the Bayesian regularization algorithm during the BP neural network training. When using the early stopping method we found that we can stop network training when error of the validation sample continuous increase6times, the network can achieve the desired results.Fourth, empirical research that using improved BP neural network and support vector machine on SZZS closing price prediction shows that the support vector machine prediction is better than BP neural network. Support vector machines have a solid statistical learning theory, so the network prediction results were better, the performance is relatively stable. The performance of BP neural network is not very stable, if you want to get a better result you must try many times.This article may innovations:First, to prove through empirical research that adequate training to the BP neural network that only using Bayesian regularization algorithm may cause network over-fitting and decline of network generalization; Second using the method that combine Bayesian regularization algorithm with the early stopping algorithm to improve the BP neural network’s performance; Third, When using the early stopping method, we can stop network training when error of the validation sample continuous increase6time, the network can achieve the desired results. Fourth, well-designed BP neural network prediction error accuracy is close to the accuracy of support vector machine model error.
摘要4-8Abstract8-101. 前言13-162. 宏观经济与股市预测16-22 2.1 宏观经济16-17 2.2 股市预测17-20 2.2.1 传统预测方法17-19 2.2.2 计量方法19-20 2.2.3 人工智能方法20 2.3 宏观经济与股市20-223. 神经网络理论22-40 3.1 研究概述22-24 3.1.1 国外研究概述22-23 3.1.2 国内研究概述23-24 3.2 神经网络理论介绍24-29 3.2.1 神经网络简介24-27 3.2.2 神经网络的学习27 3.2.3 神经网络特点27-29 3.3 BP神经网络29-34 3.3.1 BP网络学习算法的数学推导30-33 3.3.2 BP网络性能分析33-34 3.4 BP神经网络的改进方法34-39 3.4.1 传统方法34-37 3.4.2 提高网络泛化能力的BP神经网络的改进方法37-39 3.5 本文提出的改进BP神经网络的方法39-404. 支持向量机理论40-49 4.1 研究概述40-41 4.1.1 国外研究概述40-41 4.1.2 国内研究概述41 4.2 支持向量机核心知识41-49 4.2.1 传统机器学习理论41-43 4.2.2 统计学习理论43-45 4.2.3 支持向量机45-495. 机器学习方法在上证指数预测中的实证研究49-75 5.1 实证环境简介49-50 5.2 基于BP神经网络的上证指数预测50-69 5.2.1 选取变量50-58 5.2.2 样本预处理58-59 5.2.3 网络结构设计59-64 5.2.4 网络的训练与预测64-69 5.3 基于支持向量机的上证指数预测69-73 5.4 BP神经网络结果与支持向量机误差结果比较73 5.5 实证结论73-756. 总结与展望75-77 6.1 总结75 6.2 展望75-77参考文献77-79附录79-82后记82-83致谢83