本文关键词: 甘肃省 农村金融发展 农村产业结构升级 VAR模型 出处:《西北师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The rural industry as an important force in promoting rural economic growth, rural industrial structure upgrading to improve the rural industry level, has important significance to promote the sustainable development of rural economy. The rural industrial structure upgrade cannot do without the support of funds, while the rural funds are mainly produced in the rural financial activities. As one of the provinces in the western region Gansu Province, rural finance in promoting rural industrial development, has made an important contribution to promote the upgrading of industrial structure in rural areas, but the current rural financial development level in Gansu province is not high, which restricts the rural industrial structure upgrading to a great extent, is how to through the development of rural finance, promote rural industrial development, promote the rural industrial structure the upgrade of Gansu province is an important subject at present. This paper summarizes the theory about the relationship between financial development and industrial structure, Then the theory of rural financial development, the theory of industrial structure based on carding, elaborated the rural financial development upgrade process and mechanism of the influence of rural industrial structure. Then on the basis of mathematic model, select the representative of Gansu province rural financial development and rural industrial structure upgrading the level of the index, use the ADF test, cointegration test, Grainger causality test, VAR model and other methods of rural financial development in Gansu Province on the impact of the industrial structure upgrade. The results showed that the scale of rural financial development, the rural loan deposit ratio on the upgrading of industrial structure in rural areas has a positive supporting role, while the rural savings rate has a negative effect overall, the rural financial development of Gansu province rural support for the upgrading of the industrial structure, but the effect is small, rural financial development on Rural The upgrading of the industrial structure. So the lack of support, this paper makes a detailed analysis of the rural financial development in Gansu province which causes the industrial structure upgrade, and finally some policy suggestions are put forward for these reasons on how to improve the rural financial development in Gansu province to support the upgrading of the industrial structure in rural areas.
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