本文关键词: 中国化马克思主义 城镇化 “新四化” 出处:《北京工业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's modernization has made remarkable achievements. However, behind the high economic growth in China, the traditional industrialization is the leading factor. The mode of economic development, which is mainly driven by exports and investment, has gradually revealed its disadvantages, resulting in the imbalance of economic and social development in our country and the economic development among regions, and at the same time, it has also led to insufficient domestic demand. Development stamina is weak. From the Asian financial crisis to the global financial crisis, whenever faced with a global economic crisis, the Party and the government will make urbanization a top priority for future development. Especially since the 18 National Congress of the Party, Urbanization has been brought to an unprecedented height. The development of urbanization plays an important role in China's economic development and even the success or failure of modernization: urbanization is not only the economic recovery and social economy of our country. An important engine for steady and sound development, At the same time, in the key period of the transition from extroversion to endogenous economic development in China, The development of urbanization is also a powerful driving force for expanding domestic demand and promoting the transformation of China's economic structure. Shanxi Province is an important traditional old industrial base and a major energy province in China. Because of many historical and practical reasons, the urbanization construction of Shanxi Province has developed obviously, but it still has many problems and shortcomings. These problems seriously restrict the further development of urbanization construction in Shanxi Province. Under the background of the policy of "promoting industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization" proposed by the 18 National Congress of the Communist Party of China, At the same time, in view of the important role of Shanxi Province in the economic development of our country, as well as the key period of urbanization construction and comprehensive construction of comprehensive reform of national resource-based economy in Shanxi Province, In order to find the problems in the construction of urbanization in Shanxi Province, the author puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions, and explores a new urbanization road different from the traditional urbanization, which is the realization of the rise of the central part of Shanxi Province. Based on the research results of urbanization in China, this paper takes the "new four modernizations" put forward by the 18 National Congress and the people-oriented new urbanization construction proposed by the 18 National Congress as the research background. From the current situation and problems of urbanization construction in Shanxi Province, some feasible suggestions and countermeasures are put forward for Shanxi Province to walk out a unique road of urbanization with characteristics.
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