本文关键词: 物流管理 信息不对称 企业物流 第三方物流 物流环节 出处:《河南大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:As a new composite service industry that integrates transportation, warehousing, freight forwarding and information industry, the logistics industry is playing a more and more important role in the development of the national economy. It is regarded as a basic and strategic industry to support the development of the national economy. It is of great significance in promoting the adjustment of industrial structure, changing the mode of development, improving the competitiveness of the national economy and building ecological civilization, especially after the State Council issued plans for the development of the logistics industry on 2009 and 2014, respectively. Logistics industry is developing in full swing all over the country. After studying the present situation and problems of logistics industry development in China, this paper thinks that information asymmetry is the important reason that affects the development of logistics industry in China. This paper emphatically analyzes the development plan of logistics industry in various parts of our country. Enterprise logistics (first party logistics and second party logistics, logistics market (third party logistics) and logistics enterprises internal links of information asymmetry. "We should actively use big data, cloud computing, Internet of things and other advanced modern information technology; Strengthen the internal management of enterprises, perfect the internal management and supervision and control mechanism, perfect the system of logistics laws and regulations, strengthen the supervision and management of the logistics market, support the development of the fourth party logistics, build the Internet of things, and give full play to the role of logistics industry organizations, To formulate unified standards for the logistics industry, and to make every effort to comprehensively solve the problem of information asymmetry in logistics. In particular, it is stressed that national governments should truly play a coordinating and guiding role, coordinate all localities, industries, departments and enterprises, and strengthen information communication, Coordinate and arrange rational distribution, support and guide big data in terms of funds and policies, develop and apply cloud computing technology, build a nationwide logistics information platform, and build a unified, standardized and efficient logistics market, Promote the benign development of China's logistics industry.
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