本文选题:城镇化 切入点:城乡二元结构 出处:《社会科学》2016年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:To coordinate urban and rural development in the process of urbanization and to continually crack the dual structure of urban and rural areas, It is a prominent task for the development of our country in the current historical period. In the current period, China faces outstanding problems and main tasks in coordinating the development of urban and rural areas: to cope with the widening of the gap between urban and rural areas and to realize the balanced development of urban and rural areas; To reduce the institutional barriers to the flow of urban and rural factor markets, to promote the urban-rural mobility, to reform the one-way urbanization of urban and rural centers, to realize the two-way development of urban and rural areas, and to address the development dilemma of the current urban-rural structural differentiation, There is a need to accelerate the promotion of comprehensive and complementary institutional reforms, to strengthen the rule of law through the transformation of government functions, to give play to the decisive role of market mechanisms, and to mobilize diverse social forces to achieve synergistic governance. We will promote urbanization and the overall development of urban and rural areas.
【作者单位】: 复旦大学社会发展与公共政策学院;
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