本文选题:新疆 切入点:基本公共服务均等化 出处:《新疆财经大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Since the new century, Xinjiang in the western development, Yuanjiang policy support has achieved rapid development in.2013 General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the overall concept of.2015 Silk Road Economic Belt years Silk Road Economic Belt vision introduced, Xinjiang is located in the core area of strategic location, unique advantages, policy support is unprecedented, this for the basic public service of Xinjiang's development is both opportunities and challenges. Xinjiang's opportunity lies in the basic public services around the state can make full use of the "Silk Road Economic Belt" the opportunity to improve the city and country level, and on this basis to improve the level of urbanization in Xinjiang around the state; the challenge is how to grasp the dividend policy to promote the equal basic public services, to create a good social environment and natural environment, realize the harmonious development of man and nature, national unity and stability. The process occurred in Xinjiang town Medium and small city development situation. A large number of individual resources into the big city, big city urban diseases; on the contrary, small and medium-sized city development is the lack of resources, lack of power. In the foundation of urbanization construction experience and lessons, this paper argues that to improve the equalization of basic public service level can promote resource diversion, which can avoid or to alleviate urban diseases, and promote the development of small and medium-sized city, and ultimately the formation of the coordinated development of small city situation. Combing the research literature in the past, most of the research results show that the basic public service level in Xinjiang is not high. From around Xinjiang gap, high level of economic development in the high level of public services; the low level of economic development in the basic public service level is low. The difference degree of Xinjiang basic public services can be divided according to the southern and Northern Xinjiang geographically, the southern prefectures The difference of the basic public service level is relatively small, but the basic public service level is low; around the northern state level of basic public services is high and the difference is large. With the support of national policy and the efforts of the local government, the level of basic public services in Xinjiang increased year by year, but still at a low level, the rapid development also needs the national policy the strong support and local economic level. The current Xinjiang in the rapid development of urbanization process, the level of economic development is an important factor to determine the level of basic public services, in turn, raise the level of basic public services can also promote the improvement of the level of urbanization. Therefore, the research on accelerating the development of urbanization and improve the equalization of basic public services for the influence of urbanization is of theoretical significance and practical significance. This paper based on the theories of welfare economics, analysis The equalization of basic public services of Xinjiang urbanization. The equalization of basic public services to the population and resources distribution, to avoid urban diseases. The equalization of basic public services to make reasonable allocation of public resources, is conducive to the formation of small and medium-sized towns and industrial agglomeration, industrial agglomeration for urbanization development to provide equal access to basic public services industry support. There is conducive to the center of the city to better play the role of radiation, conducive to the small and medium-sized city big city to undertake industrial transfer, and the formation of large city supporting industry, and the development of urbanization and the level of basic public services to provide economic support. Therefore, the theoretical basis of the equalization of basic public services and urbanization based on the basis of a comprehensive, unified, representative, practical operability and availability of the selection principle of the relationship between the thirteen data verify these fifteen prefectures. Taking into account the availability of data, this paper selects the basic public service index of the urban infrastructure, per capita financial expenditure, per capita income, per capita wage of workers, the number of students around the State University, university teachers and students around the state, the number of doctors and medical beds per million people have bits per million people. Through a simple analysis of the mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation, differences were found between the infrastructure of the state is very small, the infrastructure is more complete, the higher level of urbanization, but other aspects of the difference of basic public services. The level of basic public services and the level of urbanization and the changes in the same direction, according to the model output equal effect the basic public service coefficient that can promote the urbanization rate of Xinjiang is improved. We use panel data of fifteen regions in 2001 -2013 year time series, through the construction of individual random inspection Variable model. The model analysis results show that the effect of the basic public services of Xinjiang urbanization is significant. In the selected seven indicators, showing significant is the per capita income of Xinjiang Town, Xinjiang town per capita expenditure, per capita wages of workers in Xinjiang, the number of college students around the state of Xinjiang, around the state each million people have the number of doctors and around Xinjiang medical beds per million people have six significant digits. In the index, the influence coefficient of each index, each index improvement will promote the development of urbanization. In six significant indexes, three indexes are negative. This paper analysis the negative coefficient reason mainly lies in the different growth rate. On the basis of empirical analysis, from four aspects of fiscal revenue and expenditure, medical education and housing census register and put forward the equalization of basic public services to promote the urbanization in Xinjiang Policy.
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