本文选题:准经营性基础设施 切入点:激励规制理论 出处:《重庆大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of urbanization, the demand for urban infrastructure is increasing day by day. The government introduces private capital through public-private partnership to alleviate the financial pressure of the government. According to the theory of project differentiation, the theory of public goods, The theory of operational coefficient divides urban infrastructure into three categories. Due to the fact that quasi-operational infrastructure projects have not only public welfare, but also charging mechanism and cash inflow, the enthusiasm of private units to cooperate with the government is not high. These problems seriously hinder the development of infrastructure construction. Based on the theory of incentive regulation, this paper attempts to construct the government incentive regulation model of quasi-operational infrastructure projects. In order to effectively improve the efficiency of cooperation between government and enterprise. Firstly, this paper systematically expounds the related theories of project differentiation, public-private cooperation theory, government economics and so on. This paper analyzes the connotation of incentive regulation theory and the importance of government supervision. Secondly, it describes the current situation of infrastructure projects and the current situation of government regulation. The key part of this paper is the design of government regulatory incentive regulation model, which is based on the theory of information economics and principal-agent theory. The government benefit maximization function, the private unit participation constraint function and the incentive compatibility function are constructed, and the optimal incentive coefficient of the government is analyzed by solving the optimal value. Finally, this paper puts forward the strategies to realize the government incentive mechanism. This paper starts with the system design of government supervision and the design of incentive regulation mechanism. The design of government supervision system includes the establishment of government supervision institution, legislation construction, access system, price in the process, service quality, exit mechanism, post-evaluation system, information platform and public participation platform. The design of incentive regulation mechanism puts forward specific strategies from the perspective of regulators and supervisors. A perfect regulatory incentive strategy can promote the high efficiency and stable operation of the project, improve the efficiency and service level of enterprises, and realize the government and enterprises. The public wins by three parties.
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