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发布时间:2018-03-29 05:25

  本文选题:小微企业 切入点:信用系数β 出处:《金融理论与实践》2016年06期

[Abstract]:On the basis of introducing credit coefficient 尾 to measure enterprises' ability to repay loans and their willingness to repay loans, the changes in financing cost, profit and risk between banks and enterprises under two credit pricing modes are compared and studied. This paper constructs the condition that the floating rate credit pricing model is superior to the fixed interest rate credit pricing model, and obtains the relationship between the floating interest rate and the credit coefficient: Ye Ru 1- 尾 -R, 尾 "f 1, which provides a more operable basis for the bank to determine the floating interest rate. The results show that the relationship between the floating interest rate and the credit coefficient is relatively strong. The floating rate credit pricing model is a Pareto improvement on the collateral requirement of the fixed interest rate credit model, and achieves the Pareto optimum. The floating rate credit pricing model directly stimulates the enterprise's credit behavior with the floating rate. Has formed the enterprise to keep the promise-the bank interest rate stimulates the virtuous circle.
【作者单位】: 南京工业大学经济与管理学院;


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