本文选题:城中村改造 + 系统动力学 ; 参考:《广州大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The village problem in the city is one of the key problems to be solved urgently. In recent years, although the central government attaches great importance to the local government, the local government has fully promoted the transformation of the village in the city, but the progress of the transformation of the village in the city has always been slow. The reason is that the reconstruction project is not properly handled in the decision-making stage and the initial stage of the city village transformation. The purpose of this paper is to design a set of measures to measure the remolding ability of the village in the city and to improve the decision quality of the village reform in the city in order to improve the quality of the village reform in the city. The specific contents include the analysis of the village formation (construction of the village system dynamics model), the analysis and selection of the transformation path of the village in the city (based on the measure of the ability to transform the village in the city and the cluster analysis). The paper systematically analyzes the reasons for the formation and maintenance of the village in the city. The village formation and maintenance of 5 urban and rural two yuan system difference, the government and other 10 behavior motivation, based on the construction of the village system dynamics model in the city, analyzed the status of the village problem in the city, the existing transformation model and the dilemma of the transformation path. This paper analyzes the characteristics of the project property of the village transformation in the city, puts forward the ideas of the measure of the remolding ability of the village in the city and the choice of the transformation path, analyzes the external influencing factors in the transformation of the village in the city, and constructs the concept, the theoretical model, the index system and the method of the remolding ability of the village in the city, and puts forward the analysis method of the multi-dimensional transformation mode of the village in the city. The transformation model and the way of the transformation path selection and matching have been optimized. The application of the measure of the remolding ability of the village in Guangzhou city was studied. The distribution, the formation and the 2 kinds of classification and characteristics of the villages in Guangzhou city were analyzed, and the research objects and research areas of the village in Guangzhou city were selected. The basic data of the effective samples of 90 villages, the three capital scale, the social demand and so on are collected. The comprehensive index of the reconstructive ability of the village in Guangzhou city is calculated, and the validity of the index system and method of the measure of reconstructing ability is verified. On this basis, the village in Guangzhou city is divided into 5 types by using the K-means clustering method. In the city, the village transformation path selection is simulated. The general principle of the village transformation in the city is clarified, the feasible transformation path of the village in Guangzhou city is analyzed. Based on the cluster analysis, the diversified transformation path and land use pattern of the village in the city are put forward, and the local government's urbanization strategy and the village reform strategy are carried out. On the basis of this, this paper discusses the proposal of comprehensive renovation in urban village under the perspective of urban sustainable development, and puts forward the innovative comprehensive renovation methods and suggestions of village construction and operation in the city of intelligent city as the path of urban village transformation. This paper systematically studies the measure of the remolding ability and the choice of the transformation path of the village in the city. Theory and method, 4M1E, fish plot, value engineering, WBS and other project management theories and methods, system dynamics method, multi index comprehensive evaluation method, K-means clustering method, intelligent community theory and technology have been introduced into the research, which enriches the research method of village reform in the city; the village system dynamics model is established, the village in the city can be established. In order to make full use of the village in Guangzhou, we can make full use of the resources of the village in the city. The implementation of the transformation of urban villages under the requirement of new urbanization.
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