本文选题:写字楼 + 租赁 ; 参考:《系统管理学报》2016年01期
[Abstract]:In office rental market, the probability of enterprise tenants expanding is private information. Considering the asymmetric information between the parties to the contract, the model of the contract design of the lessor and the contract selection of the tenant is established. The research shows that: in the competitive market, The high expansion probability enterprises will choose the expansion option contract or the preferential offer contract provided by the high expansion probability lessor, and the low expansion probability enterprise will choose the priority offer contract provided by the low expansion probability lessor. High expansion probability enterprises will choose expansion option contract, low expansion probability enterprises will choose priority offer right contract or priority lease right contract; compared with the competitive market, the lessor in the complete monopoly market can obtain higher profit. The numerical results show that, except in two cases, the renter should lower the rent when the economy goes up and raise the rent when the economy is down.
【作者单位】: 华中科技大学管理学院;
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