本文选题:城乡统筹供水 + 系统模式 ; 参考:《浙江大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Urban and rural water supply is an effective way to give full play to the advantages of urban water supply and promote the development of water supply in rural areas. In practice, urban and rural coordination has been successful in some areas. How to make use of the valuable experience accumulated in these successful practices to further promote the construction of urban and rural water supply system and improve the rural water supply service is a problem of great concern in the field of practice and theoretical research. Through literature review and project investigation, this paper summarizes the typical mode of water supply system construction in urban and rural areas, puts forward the viewpoint of guiding the planning and design of urban and rural water supply project by using typical model, and combines with the water supply system goal. The construction scheme of urban and rural water supply system is compared and selected. The research results are expected to promote the further promotion and application of urban and rural water supply system. From the view of construction practice, urban pipe network extension mode, township water distribution station model and urban and rural water supply model are typical models of urban and rural water supply construction. The characteristics of the three models are different, and the applicable objects are also different. For the regions that plan to use urban and rural water supply as a whole, we can use the typical model to guide the planning and design of the construction scheme, and then determine the optimal construction plan through comprehensive evaluation. The evaluation of water supply system construction scheme should focus on the economic, reliability and sustainability of the system. The intension and influence factors of system economy, reliability and sustainability are deeply analyzed, and the main problems that need to be considered in the decision of urban and rural water supply system construction are revealed. On this basis, the comprehensive evaluation index system of construction scheme is constructed. In view of the difficulty that some indexes in the evaluation system are comprehensive and difficult to quantify, the fuzzy soft set comprehensive decision method is adopted to transform the qualitative index into quantitative one, and finally to realize the comprehensive evaluation of the construction project. The case analysis shows the role of typical model in urban and rural water supply and the use of comprehensive evaluation method of construction scheme.
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