本文选题:呼唤感知 + 呼唤实现 ; 参考:《重庆工商大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:近年来,随着中国社会结构的巨大变迁,劳动者的价值观也发生了很大的改变。越来越多的人不再仅仅将工作看作是谋生的工具,他们希望从工作中获得生命的意义,渴望从工作中找寻自身的价值感。正是在这样的社会背景下,呼唤研究得到了越来越多学者的关注,成为研究人与工作关系的新视角。呼唤研究源于1986年Bellah等提出的工作价值取向(Work Orientation)研究,Bellah等提出,个体的工作价值取向有三种:谋生导向(job orientation)、职业导向(career orientation)与呼唤导向(calling orientation)。随着工作价值取向研究深入和社会的发展,呼唤研究逐渐成为学者们关注的重点。在组织管理领域,呼唤可被理解为个体内心渴望从事的工作,具有呼唤感知(Perceiving a Calling)和呼唤实现(Living a Calling)等状态。根据最新研究,呼唤感知和呼唤实现的影响是不同的,因此,尽管以往的研究者已经发现呼唤对个体的工作态度和行为有显著的影响,但这些影响究竟是在哪种呼唤状态下产生的,却仍不清晰。同时,在中国背景下,尽管从呼唤视角探究人与工作的关系也有很大的必要性,但这方面的研究还很少。鉴于此,本研究试图探索中国情境下的呼唤感知和呼唤实现状态的结构,并选取工作投入、内部工作动机和离职倾向为结果变量以比较二者的影响差异。本研究编制了中国情景下呼唤感知和呼唤实现问卷,分别探讨了它们对工作投入、离职倾向及内部工作动机的影响及差异。结果显示,呼唤感知包含三个维度:工作意义、目标和利他,呼唤实现也具有三因素结构:工作意义、自我实现和利他。呼唤感知对工作投入及内部工作动机均有显著正向影响,对离职倾向的影响不显著。其中,利他因子与工作投入正向关系显著,而目标和工作意义因子则对内部工作动机的正向影响较显著。另外,呼唤实现显著正向预测工作投入和内部工作动机,显著负向预测离职倾向。其中,工作意义维度与工作投入、离职倾向显著正相关,自我实现维度则与内部工作动机的正向关系显著。与以往研究相比,本研究的创新之处是:本研究编制了中国情境下呼唤感知和呼唤实现问卷,构建并检验了呼唤感知和呼唤实现的三维结构;中国情景下的呼唤感知和呼唤实现两种状态的维度存在差异;中国情境下,呼唤感知对员工的工作投入和内部工作动机有正向影响。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the great changes of social structure in China, the values of laborers have also changed a lot. More and more people are no longer just looking at work as a means of making a living. They want to get the meaning of life from work and want to find their own sense of value in work. It is in this social background that more and more scholars pay attention to the call for research and become a new perspective in the study of the relationship between people and work. The call study originates from the work orientation proposed by Bellah in 1986. According to Bellah and others, there are three kinds of work value orientations for individuals: livelihood orientation, career-oriented orientation and calling-oriented orientation. With the development of work value orientation and social development, the call for research has gradually become the focus of scholars. In the field of organization management, call can be understood as the work that the individual longs for, with the states of calling Perceiving a calling and calling realizing living a calling). According to new research, the effects of call perception and call realization are different, so although previous researchers have found that call has a significant impact on the individual's work attitude and behavior, But it is still unclear under what state of call these effects occur. At the same time, under the background of China, although it is necessary to explore the relationship between human beings and work from the perspective of calling, there is little research on this aspect. In view of this, the present study attempts to explore the structure of call perception and call realization state in Chinese context, and select work involvement, internal work motivation and turnover intention as outcome variables to compare the influence of the two variables. In this study, we compiled the call perception and call realization questionnaire in Chinese context, and explored their effects and differences on job engagement, turnover intention and internal work motivation. The results show that call perception includes three dimensions: work meaning, goal and altruism, and call realization also has three factors: work meaning, self-realization and altruism. Call perception had significant positive effects on job engagement and internal work motivation, but had no significant effect on turnover intention. Among them, altruism factor has a significant positive relationship with work engagement, while goal and work meaning factor have a significant positive effect on internal work motivation. In addition, it calls for significant positive forecasting work involvement and internal work motivation, and significantly negative prediction of turnover intention. Among them, the dimension of job meaning is significantly positively correlated with work engagement and turnover intention, while the dimension of self-actualization is positively related to internal work motivation. Compared with the previous researches, the innovations of this study are as follows: this study compiled the call perception and call realization questionnaire in Chinese context, and constructed and tested the three-dimensional structure of call perception and call realization; In Chinese context there are differences in the dimensions of call perception and call realization; in Chinese context call perception has a positive impact on the employee's work engagement and internal work motivation.
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