[Abstract]:Compared with the macroeconomic policies in the framework of the classical theories of western economics, the macro-control with Chinese characteristics has remarkable differences and particularities, which leads to the formation of a broad theory on how to define and recognize macro-control in Chinese theoretical circles. The difference between narrow sense theory and characteristic theory. The essence of divergence is the difference of methodology, which should be based on the basic principles and analytical methods of historical materialism to understand the differences and particularities of macro-control in China. As a systematic system of ideology, the essence of economic thought is the superstructure of thought. The essence of macro-control as an action of government is political superstructure. The differences and particularities of China's macro-control are determined by the objective requirements of the development of China's productive forces and the objective reflection of the productive relations to the productive forces and the superstructure to the economic base.
【作者单位】: 中共北京市委党校经济学教研部;
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