[Abstract]:The main feature of the small batch production process is the lack of information, but the traditional SPC statistical technology is suitable for the continuous production of large quantities, so it is impossible to control the quality of the small batch production process. In this paper, based on Bayesian theory, the statistical process control in small batch production environment is studied, and the Bayesian control chart and Bayesian process capability index are proposed. It can effectively solve the problem of establishing an effective quality control model because of the small sample size in small batch production environment. In general, when the production process is stable and controlled, the prior information and the posterior information of the same specification products produced on the same production line or under the same production conditions are subject to the same normal distribution. Based on this, the iterative formulas of mean value, range deviation and standard deviation are derived according to Bayesian theory, and applied to statistical process control, and then the control line of control chart and the calculation formulas of process capability index and unqualified product rate are obtained. In the empirical part, on the one hand, the Matlab simulation technology is used to compare the Heinhart method and Bayesian method in the mean range (RX?). Control Chart and Mean-Standard deviation (SX?) The difference of control chart shows that with the increase of batches, the control line of statistical control chart based on Bayesian method is closer to the actual value of control line than that of Shewhart method. On the other hand, the Bayesian method and the conventional method are used to calculate the process capability index and unqualified product rate of a small batch manufacturing process in an electronic enterprise. The reliability of Bayesian method is verified by comparing with process capability index and nonconforming product rate index. The results show that the process capability index (Cpk) calculated by conventional method is between 1. 33 and 1. 67 with the increase of batches. The process capability is in ideal condition, but the Cpk calculated by Bayesian method is less than 1.33, so the production line should be warned. At the same time, the rate of unqualified products calculated by Bayesian method is much higher than that of conventional method. Therefore, applying Bayesian method to process capability analysis is more reliable and effective than traditional SPC technology.
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