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发布时间:2019-01-04 15:39
[Abstract]:As China enters a new growth stage dominated by urban society, high-speed urbanization has promoted economic, cultural and social development. At the same time, various environmental problems have emerged. How to coordinate the development of ecological environment and urbanization has become the focus of attention. As a big province of coal industry, the ecological environment problem of Shanxi Province is especially prominent. It is an urgent task to study the coordinated development of urbanization and ecological environment of coal cities in Shanxi Province and guide coal cities to carry out green urbanization. Based on the statistical data of five coal cities (Datong, Yangquan, Changzhi, Jincheng, Shuozhou) in Shanxi Province from 2000 to 2012, this paper analyzes the population, industry, space, consumption, social urbanization and ecological environment status. In response, the evaluation index system of urbanization and ecological environment is constructed, and the coordinated development degree model is introduced to analyze the coordinated development of urbanization and ecological environment in coal cities. Based on the understanding of the coordinated development stages of coal cities, the effects of population, industrial structure, economy, environmental pollution and protection on the coordination degree of coal cities are analyzed by regression analysis. The suggestions of coordinated development of urbanization and ecological environment in coal cities are put forward. The main contents of this paper are as follows: (1) to describe the urbanization and ecological environment evolution of coal cities in Shanxi Province; (2) to analyze the coordination between urbanization and ecological environment of coal cities in Shanxi Province. To understand the coordinated development stage of each target city. (3) to analyze the factors influencing the coordinated development of urbanization and ecological environment in coal cities of Shanxi Province and put forward some suggestions for green urbanization. The conclusions are as follows: (1) in recent years, the comprehensive index of urbanization in each coal city of Shanxi Province shows a relatively stable growth trend, that is, the level of urbanization in an all-round and stable improvement, and are in a rapid development stage; According to the evolution of the ecological environment of coal cities in Shanxi Province, the curve situation of each city fluctuates from time to time, but all of them maintain the increasing trend, which reflects the level of the whole ecological environment that tends to improve. (2) during the period of study, The coordination relationship between urbanization and ecological environment in five coal cities in Shanxi Province has been greatly improved, except Yangquan City, which is still in the intermediate stage of coordinated development. The other four cities have entered the stage of harmonious development between urbanization and ecological environment. The coordinated relationship between urbanization and ecological environment in coal cities of Shanxi Province belongs to the ecological environment lag type, and the ecological environment lag degree is different in different cities. (3) the proportion of urban population and the output value of secondary industry account for the proportion of GDP. The per capita disposable income of urban households, urban registered unemployment rate, industrial sulfur dioxide emissions, and the output value of comprehensive utilization of the three wastes have significant effects on the urbanization and ecological environment coordinated development of different coal cities.


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