[Abstract]:Using Hedonic method to evaluate the economic value of natural resources is one of the hotspots in recent foreign research. In recent years, the study of natural resource externality evaluation based on Hedonic method has also appeared one after another, and the standard least square regression has been used more and more. In this paper, the data of second-hand housing prices and their characteristics in 513 central urban areas of Shanghai are collected, and the economic value of urban open space is evaluated by spatial autoregressive Hedonic method. The results show that: 1the influence of urban open space on second-hand housing prices is significant; The externality of urban green space has a significant positive correlation with house price, and the influence of river externality on house price is non-linear. (2) the existence of spatial interference will cause deviation in the evaluation of the standard regression model of standard least square regression. For the research data with spatial autocorrelation, appropriate spatial autoregressive model should be chosen to evaluate it. The results provide a new direction for freshwater ecosystem restoration and urban green space planning, and provide policy guidance for urban open space management and decision-making revision.
【作者单位】: 华东师范大学生态与环境科学学院;
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