发布时间:2019-04-17 08:54
【摘要】:正2014年年初,PPP(Public Private Partnership)概念正式引入国内,近三年来,PPP持续升温,出现了不少似是而非的PPP、假PPP和伪PPP。在不少政府和企业看来,政府与企业之间甚至国有与民营企业之间的各种可能的合作甚至关联都可以包装成PPP,这是泛PPP化。笔者重点分析PPP的核心内涵和合理外延,避免"伪PPP"驱逐"真PPP"的后果。
[Abstract]:At the beginning of 2014, the concept of, PPP (Public Private Partnership) was formally introduced into China. In the last three years, PPP has been heating up continuously, and there have been many plausible PPP, false PPP and pseudo PPP.. In the view of many governments and enterprises, all kinds of possible cooperation and even links between government and enterprises and even between state-owned and private enterprises can be packaged as PPP, which is pan-PPP. The author focuses on the analysis of the core connotation and reasonable extension of PPP to avoid the consequences of the expulsion of "true PPP" by "pseudo-PPP".
【作者单位】: 清华大学PPP研究中心;
[Abstract]:At the beginning of 2014, the concept of, PPP (Public Private Partnership) was formally introduced into China. In the last three years, PPP has been heating up continuously, and there have been many plausible PPP, false PPP and pseudo PPP.. In the view of many governments and enterprises, all kinds of possible cooperation and even links between government and enterprises and even between state-owned and private enterprises can be packaged as PPP, which is pan-PPP. The author focuses on the analysis of the core connotation and reasonable extension of PPP to avoid the consequences of the expulsion of "true PPP" by "pseudo-PPP".
【作者单位】: 清华大学PPP研究中心;
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