[Abstract]:Urbanization is the inevitable trend of human social civilization and social development, and the level of urbanization is one of the important symbols to measure the degree of economic development of a country and a region. Since the reform and opening up, China has always regarded urbanization as an important task of social development and continuously promoted the process of urbanization. In 2012, the urbanization rate in China reached 52.6%, and China has entered the stage of rapid development of urbanization. With the acceleration of urbanization, a large number of agricultural land has been converted to non-agricultural land, and the number of landless farmers has increased dramatically. Due to many reasons, such as system, mechanism and management, more and more landless farmers have become landless farmers with no land, no posts in employment and no share of minimum insurance. they live on the edge of the city and become new vulnerable groups, which is a hidden danger affecting the stable development of economy and society. Whether the problem of landless farmers can be effectively solved lies in whether the landless peasants can obtain employment smoothly. Employment is the fundamental way to solve the source of life of landless farmers and the key to solve the problem of landless farmers. Based on the questionnaire survey in Urumqi, Changji, Hami and Hotan areas of Xinjiang, this paper understands the employment situation of landless farmers and what kind of employment problems they face, analyzes the deep-seated reasons of landless farmers' employment, and finally puts forward some thoughts and suggestions on how to solve the employment problem of landless farmers, and gives some policies and suggestions for the government to promote landless farmers.
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