本文选题:西蜀园林 + 文学 ; 参考:《四川农业大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The artistic conception of Chinese classical garden is like blood, which runs through the whole garden and enlivens the whole garden body. As a memorial garden, the western Shu garden is closely connected with the literary conception. It is intertwined with Chinese literature, from the naming of halls, pavilions, terraces, buildings, pavilions, to couplets, plaques, stone inscriptions, ci Fu, poems, allusions, etc. Or directly exist in the form of entity in the garden, become one of the garden landscape elements, or through the construction of the garden environment, become the world browsing the classic. Over the years, the study of literary artistic conception in gardens has been the most thorough in the south of the Yangtze River, and there have been some summations and studies in northern gardens and Lingnan gardens, but no one has ever set foot in the study of literary artistic conception in Western Shu gardens. The literary artistic conception in the garden is the soul and spiritual charm of the Chinese classical garden. As the western Shu garden represented by the memorial garden, the humanities and literature are rich and rich, and the literary artistic conception in the western Shu garden is studied. It will be helpful to have a deeper interpretation and analysis of the western Shu gardens, fill the gaps in the study of the artistic conception of the western Shu gardens, and help the construction of the research system of the western Shu gardens and the system of literary artistic conception. It is of long-term significance to the protection and cultural inheritance of western Shu gardens. As this topic is the first time to be studied and discussed, the author adopts various methods and channels to collect data, such as literature collection and reading, data analysis and induction, subject intersection, field investigation, interview and so on. The expression techniques and research methods of Chinese artistic conception in Jiangnan garden, Lingnan garden and foreign classical garden are discussed in this paper. The possible way, direction, way and method to study the artistic conception of western Shu garden are found. Combined with a case study of Western Shu gardens, the author tries, compares, analyzes, verifies, and preliminarily classifies the forms of literary artistic conception in Western Shu gardens. Based on the principle of representativeness and weak particularity, this paper selects Wangjiang Park of ancestral Hall, the Wenshu Academy of Temple Garden and Guihu Park of Yazu Garden as cases, classifies each landscape node in the case, and analyzes and summarizes it. Then from individual to universal, research, verification, thinking, it is concluded that the literary artistic conception in Western Shu garden is classified from the basic classification of the form of existence, the deep classification of the connotation and the summary of the construction techniques, which has created many precedents. Through analysis and research, it is concluded that there are four main forms of literary artistic conception in Western Shu gardens: plaques and couplets with objects such as pavilions, pavilions and pavilions in architecture; poems without substance, allusions, etc.; and inscriptions, etc. The literary artistic conception in the western Shu garden can be divided into five categories: praising the scenery, feeling the past and the present, thinking of the characters, expressing feelings and aspirations, life philosophy. 3) the unique expression technique of the literary artistic conception in the western Shu garden: pay attention to the location, Space layout, famous monuments, full of garden literature, advocating nature, freehand greening, simple style, popular participation, unrestrained, all-encompassing, garden because of literary structure, with poetry.
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