本文选题:锚筋 + 粘结材料 ; 参考:《中国海洋大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The anchoring technology is to lock the structure and the stratum tightly together by the anchor rod embedded in the soil layer or rock, depending on the tensile force of the shear stress transfer structure between the anchor rod and the surrounding strata or to strengthen the stratum itself. To maintain the stability of the structure and rock mass. Anchorage technology used in rock mass engineering can improve the strength and stability of rock mass, save engineering materials, reduce the size of structure and reduce the weight of components. Anchorage technology has become one of the effective methods to improve the stability of rock mass engineering and solve complex rock engineering problems. With the popularization and application of anchoring technology in geotechnical engineering field, considering the similarity of the problems, geotechnical engineering anchoring technology is applied to concrete structure. As a result, the post-anchoring technology of concrete has been widely used. In this paper, the interfacial bond problem of anchor bar, mortar and concrete three-phase medium is studied by numerical simulation. The finite element analysis software ANSYS is used to calculate and analyze the interface of the composite composed of anchor bar, bond material and concrete, and the interface between different materials in the composite, and the appropriate mechanical model is used to calculate and analyze it. In this paper, a series of models of different bond interface constitutive relations, thickness of bond layer and external size of concrete are selected to calculate the effects of these factors on the initial crack load, ultimate load and bond stress distribution of Anchorage system. The results are compared with the existing analytical results. The main research results are as follows: (1) based on ANSYS finite element software, a kind of ultimate pull-out force in the anchor bar, mortar and concrete three-phase medium Anchorage body controlled by interfacial bond-slip failure is established. The results of numerical examples show that the model established in this paper can accurately respond to the mechanical characteristics of the anchoring system. (2) by controlling the model with the same geometric size, According to the first set of examples, the constitutive relation of the bond interface in the Anchorage system is changed. The calculation results show that the initial crack load of the anchoring system decreases with the increase of the shear stiffness of the bond interface, and the ultimate load is limited. The critical crack length increases with the increase of the interface fracture energy. (3) by controlling the bond interface constitutive relation is the same, according to the second set of examples, the diameter of the anchor rod and the external size of the concrete are kept unchanged. The calculated results show that the initial crack load of the anchoring system decreases slightly with the increase of the thickness of the bond layer, and the ultimate load is basically unchanged. (4) under the same constitutive relation of the bond interface, the initial load of the anchoring system decreases slightly with the increase of the thickness of the bond layer. According to the third group of examples, the diameter of anchor rod and the thickness of bond layer are kept constant, and the outer size of concrete is changed. The calculation results show that, The initial crack load and ultimate load remain unchanged. (5) the results of numerical simulation and calculation are compared with those of the previous analytical model only when the mortar layer is used as the shear lag model. There is axial stress in the intermediate bond layer. The analytical results and numerical simulation results show that the gap of initial crack load is larger when the shear stiffness of the bond interface is large, and the limit load difference is larger when the fracture energy is small. The difference is caused by the axial deformation of the bond layer, which shows that the analytical calculation method proposed in the past is suitable for both the initiation load and the ultimate load when the interface shear stiffness is small and the fracture energy is large.
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