[Abstract]:Smart home is one of the most concerned markets in the future. Enterprises engaged in the production of smart home hardware usually design and produce products according to their own internal standards. In this process, it does not consider the unification with other enterprises in the same industry, let alone the connection with the upper control software. In the field of smart home, there are a variety of hardware product ports, communication protocols and formats. In view of the problem deadlock in the field of smart home, it is of great significance to design a unified control software architecture, which can easily configure the control logic relation and direct control for the intelligent home equipment of various manufacturers. Aiming at the problems of different protocols in smart home system, the wireless devices of different manufacturers are difficult to interconnect and unified control, a control software architecture based on database middleware is proposed in this paper, and the upper man-machine control is realized by using HTML5. In this paper, the architecture of heterogeneous wireless network, ARM gateway, database middleware and control terminal is described in detail. The frame diagram of data upload and instruction is given, and the data format table and target status table are constructed by using Mysql database. The structure of database table, such as device information table and logic table, has been written and stored a series of triggers and stored procedures to perform instruction composition, data format splitting and logic linkage control, thus forming database middleware. It is used to undertake the corresponding conversion relationship between the control and the underlying hardware. This paper analyzes the design idea of database middleware, introduces the control flow of the whole system and each module, and describes the basic principle and realization method of scene logic linkage control. At the same time, the man-machine control method of similar configuration software is developed by using HTML5, and the complex logic control method is realized. The control interface website architecture of MVC structure is built on Apache server with the help of Think PHP frame, and new features such as drag-and-drop elements in HTML5 standard are applied, so that users can easily add and delete devices in smart home system through browser. Control and monitor the state of the device and customize the scenario logic as desired. It enables users to control smart home devices quickly and flexibly without touching the underlying hardware system and software programming, thus enhancing the ease of use of smart home systems.
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